Think about this quote by Chuck Dederich, Sr. for a moment. “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”.  You mean you can start new right now? Yes, you can. You can restart your nursing career, your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant career, your entire life. All it takes are just three tiny, itsy bitsy, steps.

Step One: Stop and allow yourself to think for less than one minute about your response to this question – Of all things I want to change/accomplish in 2015, what is the one item that will make a difference in my life and nursing career?

Step Two: Write (or type) down the one item you just identified that would make a difference in your life and nursing career. 

Step Three:  One the same piece of paper (or on your phone, tablet, computer), brainstorm four ways to accomplish this goal. For example, if your goal is to get your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Certification, or PLNC,  in 2015, then your four ways to accomplish this are:
1) Register for the PLNC Live Certification Course or
2) Take the PLNC Video Certification Course or
3) Sign-up for the PLNC Audio Certification Course or
4) Go online and take the PLNC E-Course Certification Course.

You can do it! This can take less than five minutes of your life and open up opportunities immediately. You are worth it. You are a nurse and you are special. Happy New YOU!
