We decided to give you a little something to sweeten your day by posting our top 12 ways to increase your PLNC business visibility, whether it’s online or offline. Here we go:
1. Update your profile listing on the Jurex Expert Directory. Need help? Email us: info@jurexnurse.com
2. Tweet about your nursing skills. Use Twitter regularly.
3. Post a status update on Facebook. Use your facebook page to promote your PLNC business.
4. Keep your LinkedIn profile updated. Maybe you just want to post something new or you’ve changed jobs. Update it.
5. Be sure you’ve opened up a Google+ account. You want the search engines to find your PLNC practice.
6. Any new YouTube videos about your PLNC company that you could share? Now’s the time.
7. A website for your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant business would be great. Remember, KISS (Keep it simple, sweetheart).
8. Put the Jurex-certified logo on your website. You want to show you’re PLNC certified. We’ll email it to you.
9. Place your PLNC business ad in selected journals. Try placing one in your local bar association journal. Then, branch out.
10. Write a short article for an attorney’s publication. It would be great to be in the same journal where your ad appears.
11. Provide a short presentation about your PLNC services at your local or state bar association meeting. It must be short and to the point.
12. Get your PLNC business cards. Better yet, get all your marketing materials together for one great price at www.jurexnurse.com and select Jurex Marketing Pack. It includes business cards, letterhead, envelopes AND your brochure.