Ever wondered what trial attorneys spend their work time on daily? Are they really billing their clients every minute of every workday? Have you thought about how you can help an attorney and get paid for it? Regardless, whether the attorney is working for the person suing (the Plaintiff) or the person getting sued (the Defendant), attorneys work on common tasks.
Interesting, let’s discuss attorney’s tasks and how you, as the PLNC, can assist and EARN.
Five Daily Attorney Tasks and How A PLNC Can Help
1. Attorneys must COMMUNICATE with their clients. Let’s face it, attorneys get busy, just like we all do, but that’s no excuse for not communicating with their clients. This is where the Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC)comes in. You can write, or draft as it’s called in legal parlance, emails, letters, phone scripts, and certain other documents that lawyers can transmit to their clients about their cases. Think about if from the perspective of the client, wouldn’t you want to be kept up to date about what’s going on in your case? Especially if you’re a paying client?
2. Attorneys often represent their clients in Court. Behind the scenes, you can help the attorney get ready for their court appearance. Just as you did in helping the attorney communicate with their client, you can help prepare the attorney for questions the judge, or jury, might ask about the case. As a PLNC, you reviewed the medical records in the case. This puts you in the unique position of being able to “brief” the attorney about it.
3. Attorneys talk with opposing counsel. No attorney wants to be unprepared. As a the PLNC who just reviewed the medical records, you can thoroughly prepare your attorney in advance of a meeting with the other lawyer. Anticipate questions, comments, or statements that opposing counsel might present. Have your medical review handy so you can help your attorney become fully knowledgeable about their case.
4. Attorneys gather evidence. In your capacity as the PLNC having reviewed the medical records in the case, you could ask to review other items or documents you believe could be relevant. Your attorney may already have valuable videos, photographs, diaries, social media, or other tangible information that could help your assessment, which in turn helps your attorney.
5. Attorneys supervise legal assistants and others. It’s important in your job as a PLNC to work with legal assistants, paralegals, office staff, and associate attorneys. Being a “team player” goes a long way in almost any job. Perhaps you could offer to help on other tasks that might be germane to your medical record reviews.
Knowing in advance the duties, tasks, and responsibilities of attorneys can make your PLNC skills even more valuable. Of course, each attorney’s daily job requirements are different, but there are similarities among attorneys. This is where you can step up to the plate and help. And earn money for doing it.
P.S. To learn more about becoming a PLNC, schedule a FREE Consult with me here.