About JurexNurse.com
Training and certification created by nurse and trial attorney.

From Start of JurexNurse.com to Thriving Certification Company
Elizabeth Rudolph, JD, MSN, RN, PLNC founded JurexNurse.com in 2006 in response to the tremendous need for well-prepared legal nurse consultants to review medical records for attorneys in their cases. Elizabeth, an experienced trial attorney and nurse, saw firsthand in her law practice how nurses serving as nurse expert witnesses, known as legal nurse consultants, often lacked the proper knowledge and training to be successful. That’s why Elizabeth founded JurexNurse.com to fulfill the need for well-trained legal nurse consultants.
Elizabeth recognized the options for nurses looking to be certified as legal nurse consultants were limited and costly, both in time and money. She took it upon herself to develop the Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Certification Course which included the issues she saw come up in lawsuits. This way nurses would be thoroughly prepared to tackle medical record review in real life legal practice. The PLNC Certification was designed to be affordable, easily able to be completed in two days or at nurses’ own pace, and nationally accredited.

“I want to help you. I’m a nurse. I believe in you. Now’s the time to rethink your nursing career because being certified as a PLNC can change your life. It could solve your money worries. Do you believe in yourself?
Let me hear from you. You can reach me at info@jurexnurse.com, book a FREE consultation with me, or direct message me @JurexNurse on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. I promise you I will personally reply.”
– Elizabeth Rudolph, JD, MSN, RN, PLNC
PLNC Certification is Experiential Learning
JurexNurse.com offers three PLNC Certification Systems through the self-paced online course: Standard, Star, and Premium. All three systems provide you with a unique blend of critical medical record review experience, legal advocacy proficiency, and hands-on training. You will obtain your PLNC Certification in any of the three PLNC Certification Systems. The difference among the three systems is that each tier offers more essential items you’ll want to start your legal nurse consultant business.
The Standard System offers you the basic premier legal nurse consultant certification.
The Star System, our most popular System, includes everything in the Standard System, additional materials, plus the Post-Certification Internship where you’ll remotely work directly with Elizabeth Rudolph.
The Premium System includes everything in the Star System, more tools to help you be successful plus our all-inclusive marketing materials to get you started off right.
JurexNurse.com is committed to training you to be successful
As a PLNC, you’re a valued member of the legal team. Your nursing skills and newly acquired legal knowledge will be used in your review of medical records for law firms. You don’t have to know any attorneys to be successful. That’s what your profile listing in the Expert Directory is for.
Whether you’re a new or seasoned nurse, you’ll find the PLNC Certification Course to be easy-to-understand with plenty of examples. Elizabeth made sure that Mentoring comes with each System, so you’re never alone.
Add the PLNC Certification to your resume
Your PLNC Certification on your resume will grow your greatest wealth-building tool – YOU! Give yourself a promotion and reward yourself with a gift that will keep on giving in all phases of your life. That’s why Elizabeth founded JurexNurse.com. For you.

Ready to get started?
Select the PLNC Certification System you want!
Standard System
Lowest Price! $1499
Get the premier Legal Nurse Consultant certification training and start earning.
Star System
Most Popular! $2499
Accelerate your Legal Nurse Consultant success. Jump start your career.
Premium System
All Inclusive! $4999
Complete Legal Nurse Consultant success package. Your all-inclusive kit.
Start Today!
This life-changing journey begins with a single click.

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Elizabeth Rudolph, JD, MSN, RN, PLNC

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