There are nurses and then there are nurses. Same for Professional Legal Nurse Consultants. You want to be extraordinary. You want to excel to the highest possible degree in your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) profession.
How do you become the best PLNC possible?
1. Think outside the box. This means, you need to give the best possible Professional Legal Nurse Consultant services you can give. Provide lots of different services. For example, organize the medical record, tab documents that are particularly meaningful, cite to the pertinent entries in your report.
2. Meet or exceed the deadline. Get your report, or whatever you are supposed to complete, on time. Better yet, be early.
3. Ask how you else you can help the attorney. Maybe you can help prepare him/her for a deposition by coming up with questions that are on point. Maybe it is helping to locate a certain type of expert.
Use your beautiful skills to your advantage. Then, you will be able to soar to great heights and be handsomely rewarded for it.