Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Blog.

Here’s What Goes On Your Legal Nurse Consultant Invoice Template
You should have an invoice template for your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant business. Most businesses have an invoice that contains the essential information. Here’s what you need for your PLNC business…

What Professional Legal Nurse Consultants Need To Know About Using Passwords
Following best practices will help you in your legal nurse consulting practice avoid the fallout from being hacked. You, or someone you know, has likely had their personal identity information stolen. It’s a bad feeling. Knowing how to reduce your exposure is key to…

How Professional Legal Nurse Consultants Can Assist Attorneys in Mediation or Arbitration
As a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC), how can you help in Mediation or Arbitration? And, what do those terms actually mean? Mediation and Arbitration are…

Asthma and Allergy Foundation Kits: Valuable Information
At the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) conference in Chicago where Elizabeth Rudolph provided the presentation “Surefire Documentation Techniques: What Every School Nurse Needs To Know”, NASN included the wonderful organization Asthma and Allergy Foundation to host a special project…

Five Deposition Tips For the Professional Legal Nurse Consultant
What should you say in your deposition as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant? What should you not say? These are questions you’ll probably ponder as you prepare for your expert witness deposition in a case. Below are some helpful tips that should set your mind at ease for your sworn testimony.

Personality Traits of a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant: What’s Yours?
Do you know your personality traits? Did you know these four personality traits often define a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC)? Whether you have one or all four of these personality traits, think about becoming a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant and expand your nursing career.

Create a Chronology in Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Practice
What’s your goal? For the Plaintiff: To identify the TIMELINE of events so you know what was done and not done for the patient that caused harm. For the Defendant Nurse: Same thing. Your CHRONOLOGY is a unit of time. When the events happened and by whom.

How a Legal Nurse Consultant Can Help an Attorney BEFORE a Lawsuit is Filed
You are talented! Don’t forget that. You can use your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) skills in LOTS of different ways. The most common way is to assist attorneys in what’s called the “pre-suit stage”. This is where trial lawyers have PLNCs review medical records and give their opinions

A Day in the Life of a Trial Attorney: How a PLNC Can Help
Ever wondered what trial attorneys spend their work time on daily? Are they really billing their clients every minute of every workday? Have you thought about how you can help an attorney and get paid for it? Regardless, whether the attorney is working for the person suing (the Plaintiff) or the person getting sued (the Defendant), attorneys work on common tasks.

How to Believe in Yourself: Becoming a PLNC is ATTAINABLE!
Do you want to know how to gain self confidence so that you can use your nursing in legal cases and become certified as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC)?

How to Get Certified as a PLNC: What You Need to Know
Nurses, do you feel your career has plateaued? Or might even be stuck in a rut? What if there was a way to substantially increase your income, while using your nursing knowledge for a good cause?

Listen To Your Inner Voice: Education IS your KEY to Success
We all listen to our inner voice sometimes. It may help us or hurt us. These voices are our internal dialogue with ourselves and often is at the root of our own self-destructive behavior.
You KNOW that Education is your KEY to Success. But, how do you snuff out that inner voice that says?