
Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Blog.

Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Blog
How To Keep Track of Your Money in Your PLNC Business

How To Keep Track of Your Money in Your PLNC Business

Be prepared to handle a lot of money in your job as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant. Start off right with a good accounting system and you’ll never have to worry. You don’t want to get yourself into a bind trying to piece together how much you billed and when. Worse yet, is trying to figure out how much you actually collected.

The Tax Man Cometh so be sure you’re in a good position from the start. Or if you’ve already started, clean up your accounting from here going forward by following these three methods. 

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Do You Have the Personality To Be A Legal Nurse Consultant?

Do You Have the Personality To Be A Legal Nurse Consultant?

What type of personality do you have? It’s not a question of knowing yourself well, but well enough. We each have different personality temperaments and we use those traits in our lives and in our jobs.

You want to understand your personality temperament. What’s your core personality? Knowing this will unlock your potential and your self-awareness.

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Success Story: Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Explains Why She Got Certified

Success Story: Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Explains Why She Got Certified

Kylan Knoll, RN, PLNC, tells us her story about why she got her certification as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC). Kylan explains she met some attorneys and the field of legal nurse consulting was something she was interested in. It bridges the gap between the medical arena into the legal arena. Being a PLNC gave Kylan to ability to explain in layperson’s terms what was going with the patient (and get paid for it!).

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Top Ten Services You’ll Get To Use As a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant

Top Ten Services You’ll Get To Use As a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant

As a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) you’re a KEY part of the legal team! Your role is in LITIGATION SUPPORT, which is an essential part of the case. No matter what side of the case you’re on, your PLNC services are needed!

It’s good to know expert witnesses are required in medical malpractice lawsuits. This means there’ll always be a need for your PLNC services.

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Why I Started

Why I Started

Nurses asked me to create a video to tell them why I created Thank you for asking. I’m honored to it.

In 2006, I founded so that legal nurse consultant certification could be both comprehensive AND affordable

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Elizabeth Rudolph - Jurex Founder

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