
Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Blog.

Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Blog
Four Types of Business Structures for the Professional Legal Nurse Consultant

Four Types of Business Structures for the Professional Legal Nurse Consultant

There are advantages and disadvantages in choosing how your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) business will be structured.  You’ll need to choose one that best suits your needs. Here are four potential options: 1) Sole Proprietorship, 2) Limited Partnership, 3) Corporation, and 4) Limited Liability Corporation (LLC).  Many states have  websites that’ll take you through the steps to register your new business. They may also instruct you how to register your business on the county, or municipal, level as well. 

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Why Attorneys Want To Hire Professional Legal Nurse Consultants

Why Attorneys Want To Hire Professional Legal Nurse Consultants

Attorneys face challenges all day. Every. Day. That’s why they want to hire Professional Legal Nurse Consultants (PLNC) to review their medical records for them.

An Electronic Health Record (EHR) can read much like a foreign language. It’s critical for lawyers to use Professional Legal Nurse Consultants to translate it and put it into layperson’s language.

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Five Documentation Problems Professional Legal Nurse Consultants Find

Five Documentation Problems Professional Legal Nurse Consultants Find

Professional Legal Nurse Consultants share five documentation problems that often appear in almost every medical record. As a certified Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC), it’s essential to comb through the medical record for problems and identify them. After reviewing tons of charts, PLNCs have found common threads you should know when you’re reviewing medical records.

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A Day In The Life of a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant

A Day In The Life of a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant

What’s a typical day like for a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC)? Whether you work part-time or full-time as a PLNC or something in between, when you’re reviewing medical records, the time you spend doing it will look the same.

Wake up after a restful and restorative sleep. (Hopefully, you can put your mind at ease and…

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Elizabeth Rudolph - Jurex Founder

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