We listened to you. We updated the Jurexnurse.com website. We tried to keep the navigation as similar to the old website as possible, but we added new images, content and selections. We hope you like it. Please comment below.
The blog will have twice weekly posts with cutting-edge info. The blog topics will include:
- How to market your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant business
- Roundup of valuable resources
- Case law updates
- Interviews with attorneys
- PLNC success stories
- New videos to increase traffic to your PLNC practice
- Q & A
- Social media tips
- Anatomy of a lawsuit
- PLNC services to include in your business
- And more…
Be sure you get the FREE e-Book download. You’ll also want to subscribe the RSS feed so you’re one of the first to get the new blog post.
Thank you for reading. We sincerely hope you’ll enjoy frequently visiting the Jurexnurse.com blog!