Staying Motivated When Just Starting Your Business: Your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Roadmap

Staying Motivated When Just Starting Your Business: Your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Roadmap

You’ve just earned a UNIQUE certification, which means…You are UNIQUELY-Qualified to fulfill your PURPOSEPURPOSE means to you’ll rise up and meet the challenge. Take HOLD of your PURPOSE!

Many seek their heart and answers…to FIND their PURPOSE. Y O U  now have that GIFT and those Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) SKILLS.

Be INSPIRED about your PURPOSE! 
Today’s Job Market equates SPECIFIC SKILLS to: Having…an EDGE!  A step HIGHER! Remember…before anything ELSE…Take a MOMENT to reflect on what YOU now OFFER! It’s WITHIN you – and will INSPIRE you, when you REACH INside.

After Dreaming about YOUR PURPOSE…it is time to:

ON-Purpose:  LIVE YOUR Dream!  

Reflect on these INSPIRED quotes:
Look and you will find it-what is unsought will go undetected.”…Sophocles

 “It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”…Marcus Aurelius (121-180)

FOCUS on your PLNC Career
YOU FOCUS your eyes…To that Level…YOU will Rise! FOCUS suddenly DAWNS on YOU…When You SHAKE-OFF: Your Yesterday and Your Tomorrow…AND JUST…FOCUS on RIGHT NOW. 

ON-PURPOSE…Open WIDE: Your EYES and simply ALLOW YOURself to: Be IN the PRESENT Moment.  You will be glad YOU did.

BREATHE IN  D E E PL Y, and ONLY Think about this GIFT…called: YOUR PLNC Certification!

Reflect on these FOCUSED quotes:
“People only see what they are prepared to see”…Emerson, Ralph Waldo

“Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.”…Confucius

Be ready to RISE!
YOU’VE  r e f l e c t e d  on your PURPOSE and your FOCUS.Now it’s TIME TO: RISE!     

RISING and PUTTING your  P L A N into ACTION   N O W  is…v i t a l. The  L O N G E R  you WAIT…to Rise-UP and  L I V E  YOUR skills and talents…the HARDER it is to  o f f e r  YOUR  gift. Even WHEN you  R E A L L Y  want to…it is  E A S Y  to find distractions.

Like…getting BACK on-TRACK after  I N D U L G I N G  in: UNhealthy UNnutritious UNsightly food in our INsides. There is not a  P E R F E C T  time. Just like…there are no PERFECT people. 

SO…to stay on Y O U R  track in YOUR life…take a DEEP breath,  S H A R E  your BEST smile –

                                         A N D…

  *Be INSPIRED about your PURPOSE

  *CATCH that FOCUS..

   So…NOW Y O U are


 “If you can imagine it you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it.”…William Arthur Ward

“Dwell as near as possible to the channel in which your life flows.”…Henry David Thoreau

P.S. Are you ready to thrive as a PLNC?

The Best Advice I Ever Received: Listen up Nurses and Professional Legal Nurse Consultants

The Best Advice I Ever Received: Listen up Nurses and Professional Legal Nurse Consultants

You want to do something more with your nursing skills, but you’re not sure what. You want to do something more with your life, but you’re not entirely sure what would make you happy (and earn you money). Who do you listen to?

Here’s the best advice I ever received: Do something. Take one step in the direction you want to go even if you’re unsure. Even if you’re not 100% positive. Just go. Go forward in the direction you BELIEVE will take you forward.

I owe this way of thinking to my grandmother of blessed memory. Gaga. She told me, after my mother passed away when I was quite young, “Throw your heart over the bar, and your body will follow”. Gaga was a sage. Gaga had street sense. Gaga had a beautiful heart. Gaga had what it took to survive in a post-Depression era world and beyond.

I loved Gaga.

Listen up nurses and Professional Legal Nurse Consultants: “Do something”.

Stop asking yourself how you’re going to accomplish the task. DO the task.

The “why” is more important than the “how”. You can ask others “how” to accomplish your dreams, your goals, your end-game. But, you have to know “why” you want it to begin with.There are so many temptations out there. Distractions. People, or things, that will take you off course. Stay the course.

It’ll become more clear. Don’t look back. Look forward in the direction you want to go.

Let’s look at this example. You’re a Registered Nurse. You graduated nursing school which was no small feat. Then, you took and passed the National Boards and you’re licensed. That’s another huge accomplishment. But, you want to do something more. Get your PROFESSIONAL LEGAL NURSE CONSULTANT (PLNC) CERTIFICATION!!

I did. I’m so happy I went further in my career AND used my nursing skills to achieve it. You can, too!

YOU can fast track your nursing career. You can combine nursing with the law.

You’re already reading medical records. Earn money doing it as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant.

No matter what you want to accomplish, you need to heed Gaga’s advice. Take the step. Stop holding your own self back. There’re are plenty of people out there who’ll hold you back. People who don’t want change, and certainly don’t want you to change.

Keeping the status quo must seem easier, but it’s not. You’re yearning for more. You deserve more.

If you stay doing what you’re doing, you definitely will NOT attain your dreams. Step out a tiny bit and reap the rewards.

I did. You can. Take one tiny step.

Stop telling yourself “I can’t” and tell yourself “I can”. You can do one thing right now to advance your career.

Others have done it. You can, too.

What’s the best advice I ever received? Thanks to Gaga, I’m doing right now. I’m “doing something” that I want and loving it.

Thank you, Gaga, for your wisdom, for your love, and being our special grandmother.

P.S. Let us know what you think.

How a Nurse Can Do Something Outside the COMFORT ZONE!

How a Nurse Can Do Something Outside the COMFORT ZONE!

It’s a scary world out there. Not just because of Covid-19, but every day has its own challenges.

Being a nurse has historically been considered a “safe” profession. But, when you’re working as a nurse, are you truly in your COMFORT ZONE?

If you’re not currently in your comfort zone, why not try something a tiny bit outside of it? Reap the rewards of taking on something and ACCOMPLISHING IT!

Here are your four steps to walking outside your COMFORT ZONE and loving it:

  1. Find out your options. You must be aware of your options. Do a quick search engine review. Are you considering a job change, a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Certification, and residence change?
  2. Specifically, what do you want to conquer? Become more introspective. What skeletons do you have in your closet that you want to get rid of? Write/type them out so it’s crystal clear to you.
  3. Tell yourself you can survive DISCOMFORT. We all have difficult times in our lives, days, weeks, months. Life can be viewed as half comfort and half discomfort. That being said, we have to learn to live with the discomfort half. Once you accept that, you’ll actually be ready to EMBRACE it.
  4. Take tiny steps to get outside your COMFORT ZONE. Just like you learned how to walk as a toddler, take it one step at time. Voila! What if you actually find that you can do it?

We all make excuses for why we can’t step outside our comfort zone, whether that be in our current nursing job, or in our lives in general. Gosh, think about how much you could’ve accomplished if you just went for what you really wanted instead of holding yourself back?

Ask your future self these questions:

  • What will I tell myself about why I went for something I really wanted?
  • What three things are holding me back from achieving what I want?
  • Is there someone else who has what I also want? Did I reach out to them?
  • Have I made excuses along the way? What are they?
  • What do I need to do in order to feel I “accomplished” my goal?

Going outside your comfort zone is difficult but achievable. Tell yourself you can do it. You’ve followed through on difficult decisions before. You have achieved great things. You know you can do it.

My mother, of beloved memory, used to say to me “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are”. That was her way of saying that the people you hang out with affect you. Not just your reputation, but your friends or buddies can impact what you accomplish in life.

Hang out with people who are achieving what you believe is success. Those who are willing to travel outside their COMFORT ZONES to achieve their dreams.

As a matter-of-fact, hang out with nurses who have attained their Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Certification. You can do, too!

P.S. Go outside your COMFORT ZONE here!



Follow-Up: Ideas from Nurses All Over the Country on Self Care

Follow-Up: Ideas from Nurses All Over the Country on Self Care

Our most recent blog post on how you, as a nurse or Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, deal with your own mental during this pandemic received such a hugely warm response. We’re sharing all y’alls ideas on how to take care of ourselves during these unprecedented times.

It’s no secret that Covid-19 has taken a large toll on our emotional health. Being in nursing during a pandemic has affected us trifold: at work, home, and in the wallet.

We, at Jurex, set out to find out ways you, as nurses and PLNCs, take care of yourself.

We were greeted with a flood of self care ideas. We’re sharing some of the highlights here.

Nurses and PLNCs Self Care Ideas:

  • Listen to a nurturing podcast EVERY DAY. “It helped me so much when I was discouraged that I began sharing it with others. They listened and started subscribing”.
  • Bath time. “Nothing more relaxing than being in a hot bath surrounded with candles, rose pedals, add bubble bath, soft music with the lights off or down low, and a glass of wine!!!”
  • Meditation and/or prayer. “These can be super important to self care”.
  • Laughter. “Laughter is a great ingredient. Also, finding at least a little time to talk to an old friend just to check on each other can be refreshing”.
  • Listening to music. “I especially like to listen to my favorite songs on repeat so I can get in ‘the zone’ or listen to my playlist”.
  • Pamper yourself. “Taking a day to pamper yourself is fabulous cause you have to be kind to yourself”.
  • Exercise. “Walking counts as exercise. How about a walk, especially after a meal, in your neighborhood?”
  • #SelfCareSunday. “I found this hashtag online and I wanted to share it with all my nurse colleagues and Professional Legal Nurse Consultants”.
  • Read. “My tablet doubles as my bookshelf. I can make the font bigger so it doesn’t strain my eyes. I end up getting sleepy, which my body must need”.
  • Journal. “I write down only the things I’ve done. It’s such a feeling of accomplishment”.
  • Take a short nap. “Sometimes I have to take a nap during my break at work. I’ll divide the time in half: eat then nap. I usually feel refreshed (but not always)”.
  • Clean out a closet. “When I finished cleaning out my front hall closet, I felt so accomplished. You would’ve thought I had just earned my degree”.
  • Binge watch a series. “There’re so many great series out there to watch. I check which ones are trending and I’d recommend starting with the #1 series this week”.
  • Bake something. “The house smells so good whenever I bake something. I wish I could bottle that smell”.
  • Move while watching TV. “Stand up during commercials and move. Any movement will do”.
  • Drink water. “I bought myself a beautiful big water bottle and now I love to drink water out of it”.
  • Go outside. “Nursing requires you to be inside so much. Whenever I can, I go outside and just take in the sites and sounds of nature”.
  • Get a pet. “A furry friend can make all the difference”.

Lastly, as one PLNC said “We are in complicated times, but our approach to it matters! By making a change from within ourselves, we may be able to carry on ourselves and help each other”…

P.S. Let’s continue to help each other out. Pass along this link to your nurse friends here.

How to Handle Your Own Mental Health: Being a Nurse in the Pandemic

How to Handle Your Own Mental Health: Being a Nurse in the Pandemic

Whether or not you practice as a nurse or Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC), you’re affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. There’s no way around it. Have you checked in with yourself to see how you really feel?  

Take 10 seconds RIGHT NOW and ask yourself, “Self, how do I really feel?”.

We, as nurses, are more vulnerable to emotional distress, according to The New England Journal of Medicine as we have the risk of exposure, worry about infecting others, caring for our loved ones, longer work hours, and may have shortages of personal protective equipment, to name just a few of our concerns. Add to this, the vaccination roll-out and its complexities, and nurses are ripe for emotional distress.

Myriad other pandemic factors also weigh heavily on us as health care providers. No matter one’s political, or apolitical views, directives including safer at home, quarantine, and financial situations all impact our mental health.

Check out these Mental Health Strategies to help you throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic (and beyond):

  • Be KIND to yourself. Say what? It’s worth repeating. Be KIND to yourself. If you’re not, who will? Consider this adage: Being kind never goes out of style.
  • Work-out. Yep, exercise is not only good for the body, but it’s good for your mind. Walk. Lift cans of soup. Find alternate ways to exercise if gyms are closed.
  • Don’t skimp on your sleep. It may be super hard to implement a sleep schedule, but you need to consider it. Going to bed at all hours, depending on your nursing shift or schedule, can wreak havoc on your body.

          You might not fall asleep and stay asleep, but rest. Count sheep. Deep breathe in and out. Four counts on the inhale and six counts on the exhale. Do this four times.

  • Make healthy food choices. There’s a diet for this and diet for that. We’re well aware of that in our nursing profession. Nutrition choices do matter. Not just for our patients, but for US.

          The quality, quantity, and timing of our food choices directly impact our bodies. We innately know this but, we’re too busy caring for others to think about this for own bodies.

  • Mobile Phones. We can’t live with them and we can’t live without them. It’s grown into a love-hate relationship. Maybe more love, but you know the drill. Limit your screen time.

         Study after study shows how our screen time affects us. Plus, add the addiction component to it, and it compounds the problem.

ENOUGH. We must treat our own self with the respect and dignity we give to others.

Be positive. Be realistic but be optimistic. The pandemic tide is turning and being hopeful, confident, and pragmatic will go a long way toward enhancing your beautiful nursing life.

Get the mental help you need. There’re Employee Assistance Programs provided by employers out there. Mental health professionals abound, especially with telehealth.

Let me ask you, as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC), if you were reading a patient’s medical records and spotted signs of emotional distress, wouldn’t the standard of care include a referral to a mental health professional?

P.S. Pass this link along to your nursing colleagues here.

New Year, New You: Make This Year The BEST Year EVER!

New Year, New You: Make This Year The BEST Year EVER!

We nurses are ready to embrace the new year, but we’re still stuck in 2020. What can we do to extricate ourselves, move on, and thrive in the upcoming new year?

The answer is: Intentionality.

Yep, we intentionally embrace change. It’s going to be a bit scary, but we’ve all had to make changes before. Good or bad.

We’ve survived. But now we’re going to THRIVE!

Get your FREE 2021 Calendar HERE! Use it to be Intentional in your life.

This is a fresh new year. 2021, the year of INTENTIONALITY.

Our word for this upcoming year is a long word. 14 letters. “Intentionality”.

Let’s translate “Intentionality” into everyday language: What does it mean to do something “intentionally”?

It means doing something, or not doing something, on purpose. It means we’ve got to become aware of ourselves. Hmmm, that may require just a teeny, tiny bit of work but we’re not new to work. We got this far in life. Let’s take to another level, one step at a time.

  • How about some examples of INTENTIONALITY:
  • Declutter your space (desk, room, dining room table).
  • Journal four ways you’re going to be more Intentional in 2021.
  • Become more self-aware.
  • Exercise five times per week. (More if you can).
  • Actively listen. (Instead of talk).
  • Focus on self-care. (As nurses, we give to others without giving to ourselves).
  • Ask “why” before you buy. (Ask: Is this item going to enhance my life? Can I live without it?).
  • Decide it’s time to get more education to get ahead in your nursing career. Then go for it!

There you have it, my friends. 2021 – the year of INTENTIONALITY!

P.S. Let us know how you’ll living “intentionally” in the new year!