by Elizabeth Rudolph | Dec 1, 2020 | Inspiration
How do you figure out your “ONE THING” that’ll make a HUGE difference in your life?
As Gary Keller says in his book The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results, “realizing that extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus” can EASILY be applied to you, as a nurse.
Mr. Keller says:
- Most people think the opposite. That success is complicated and time-consuming.
- The key to success is going SMALL. To do a few things well.
- You have limited time and energy.
- Do fewer things for more effect.
How does this apply to you?
Make a simple decision. You don’t want to keep the status quo.
To get ahead in your career, make a commitment to yourself to get more EDUCATION.
Education is simple. Education is the quickest way to get ahead in your nursing career.
Don’t spend weeks, even years, on another degree.
Get your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Certification in TWO DAYS! Yes, you can do it.
If you’re already a PLNC, keep your PLNC Certification active!
Others have done it.
Getting and keeping your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Certification is your ONE THING!
You can do it.
Go here to get your ONE THING.
P.S. Help your nurse friends – tell them to get their ONE THING here!
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Nov 10, 2020 | Inspiration
You want to know how I started Jurex Center for Legal Nurse Consultants? Here’s my story:
I have always enjoyed working and earning money. Since childhood, I have held various jobs. You could almost say I have been a serial entrepreneur. When I was ten years old, I started a beauty salon. Later, I had my own babysitting service, the traditional lemonade stand, and even made and sold crafts.
My jobs were not all for money. Some were volunteer positions. Giving back has always been in my blood. The one volunteer job I remember most was feeding the patients at a nursing home. I would ride my bicycle to the nursing home with a friend, until she stopped going, then I continued to do it myself. I loved helping the nurses with the patients, playing piano for the residents, delivering meals to their patient rooms, and feeding those who could not feed themselves. I suppose it is no surprise that I later pursued a career in and related to nursing.
My mother died in an accident when I was only fifteen. My oldest sister had just married, and my next oldest sister was in college. I was the youngest and still in high school.
Despite this tragedy, I went on to finish high school in three years by taking summer classes. From there, I went to Vanderbilt University and majored in nursing.
After receiving my Bachelor of Science in Nursing, I worked the night shift in Pediatrics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, then switched to a day shift position in a community mental health center, also in Nashville. I went back to school to obtain my Master of Science in Nursing, while I worked as a Registered Nurse.
From there, I was fortunate to join the faculty at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing and taught Pediatric Nursing. The love of teaching was part of what ultimately lead me to the career I now enjoy.
I went on to Vanderbilt University Law School as the study of law suited my analytical nature. Unbeknownst to me, everything was falling into place for my later founding of Jurex Center for Legal Nurse Consultants (, an education company providing training to nurses to be expert witnesses.
At Vanderbilt University School of Law, I met my future husband, obtained my Juris Doctor degree, we married, and moved to his hometown of Memphis. Then, we had four beautiful sons.
I worked for several years as an attorney for a large firm representing nurses and doctors who had been sued for malpractice. This would be another crucial part of my entrepreneurial journey, though I did not know it at the time.
But I have had that entrepreneurial spirit for a long time. During this time, I began accepting opportunities to speak to nurses and nursing groups on reducing their liability. This morphed into providing more than two thousand presentations at conferences, seminars, and workshops for nursing and medical organizations, hospitals, long term care facilities, schools and the like on a plethora of legal issues in health care, business development, and self-improvement.
In my own legal practice, I saw a need for nurses to be properly trained to be expert witnesses in cases. A seed was being planted that grew into something special.
I joined Johnnie Cochran’s law firm and litigated more medical malpractice cases. Still, that need for properly trained legal nurse consultants persisted. Programs were out there, but they required significant time and money commitment that just were not realistic for the working nurse. This was especially true if the nurse was also juggling family responsibilities on top of full-time work.
It was then that I decided to open my own training program to certify nurses as legal nurse consultants. I launched Jurex Center for Legal Nurse Consultants in 2006 and have been training nurses to be Professional Legal Nurse Consultants (PLNC) ever since.
The Jurex Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Certification Course was founded on three guiding principles:
1. It must be affordable.
2. It must be able to be completed in two days.
3. It must be open to all nurses.
These principles still guide Jurex today.
Part of my mission continues to be to help educate health care professionals on legal issues in practice. I provide presentations to nursing and medical organizations, hospitals, long term care facilities, schools, and other groups on legal issues in nursing, medicine, and health care.
I also give back to the nursing community by volunteering my time providing presentations to nursing students at nursing schools.
Not only do I want to help others less fortunate through my work, but I want to help nurses hone their skills and, if they have that same entrepreneurial spark, I want to fan it into the same fire that has driven me to where I am today.
P.S. You can advance your nursing career here.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Nov 4, 2020 | Inspiration
Are you a leader or a follower? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? It helps to be in touch with your personality as a nurse or Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC). Take this FREE test to find out your personality:
Now, are you sure you’re an introvert or an extrovert? How does your personality affect your ability to lead others?
By understanding your Leadership Style, you’ll be in a better position to inspire others, encourage creativity, and be a role model in your nursing career.
Let’s look at three Leadership traits:
- Inspire others: Inspiration is the mother of invention. Or, as Plato said “Necessity is the mother of invention”. When you’re able to move others, to affect them, to help them move in the direction you need them to move into, you’ll find you have leadership skills. Leadership skills are a blessing. There’s so much more you can do when you can motivate and inspire others.
- Encourage creativity. Whether or not YOU are actually creative is not the point. Can you encourage creativity in others? That’s the true test.
- Be a role model. Are you a good example for others? For example, a parent may be the child’s role model. As a nurse, you can role model behavior for other nurses. Same goes for Professional Legal Nurse Consultants. Who’s your role model?
Regardless of your situation, you can lead or you can follow. The choice is yours. Carpe diem.
P.S. Ready to change your situation? Find out how here.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Oct 13, 2020 | Inspiration
Even though Memphis, TN is definitely inland from the Gulf Coast, we got our fair share of Hurricane Delta’s wrath. The silver lining is there are lessons to be learned from Hurricane Delta which clearly apply to how to go up the nursing career ladder.
Nursing Career Lessons Learned from Hurricane Delta:
By far the most essential lesson is to be prepared. There’s no substitute for doing your homework ahead of time instead of waiting to the last minute. You might need to board up your living quarters, maybe go to the grocery store, perhaps evacuate. For nurses, this means checking into your professional nursing career options.
Ask yourself: With my nursing degree, can I advance my nursing career? Now, list out my nursing career options. Know that no matter what nursing degree or diploma I have, I can advance my career by becoming a
Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC).
Get your essential supplies. Whether you’re staying put or evacuating, you’ll need essential disaster supplies. Apply that to your nursing career.
Ask yourself: Do I have the money I need for additional education? After all, it takes money to earn money. One of the great aspects of the PLNC Certification Course is that you can put it on a payment plan AND start immediately.
After all, we’re in a pandemic, so compile your pandemic supplies. What? You’ll have to approach dealing with advancing your nursing career differently. Many who have come before you in this pandemic have advanced through online courses. You can, too.
Ask yourself: Can I get the education I want online? YES, you can get certified as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) in our online course. Many other institutions have gone to online learning, as well.
You now have a plan for how to go up the nursing career ladder. Just thank Hurricane Delta.
P.S. Comment below. Want to know the quickest way to advance your nursing career? Find out here.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Aug 25, 2020 | Inspiration
If you’re working as a nurse or a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant during this pandemic your hands are probably dry from using hand sanitizer, you’re fatigued, and you’re wondering when things will get back to “normal”.
Here are five ways to manage yourself during this coronavirus pandemic.
- Lighten up and don’t be so hard on yourself. This means acknowledging when you’re feeling anxious and developing a plan for yourself. The sooner you know your triggers, the more quickly you can confront the anxiety head on. And, get relief sooner.
- Social distancing means some level of being socially isolated. Admit that this pandemic has, and will continue to, cause you to be alone with yourself more. Get comfortable with that. As a nurse and a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC), you’ve come to rely on yourself. That’s a good thing. You have to keep your promises to yourself, so you know you always have your own back.
- Exercise daily. You need a new routine that’s manageable. Get your 10,000 steps in per day.
- Eat healthfully. You know when your own eating is out of control or you’re eating unhealthy foods. Eat less and eat healthfully. You’ll likely lose weight, or maintain a healthy weight.
- Get sleep. You need sleep. Period.
It’s worth repeating: ease up on yourself, get some level of comfort in being alone, exercise daily, eat healthfully, and get sleep. EVERY nurse is worth it!
P.S. Be sure you find out to INCREASE YOUR INCOME here!
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Jul 14, 2020 | Inspiration
Everyone desires to be liked. That’s why there’s a “Like” button on Facebook and other social media platforms. As a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) there’s no doubt you want to “liked” but realize being liked and being likeable are two different things.
How do you increase your “Likeability” trait? Follow these tips.
Be genuine. Ask yourself the hard questions so you’ll get in touch with who you really are, not who you think others want you to be. Don’t be fake. When expressing your thoughts, I remember what my mother (of blessed memory) would say “it’s not what you say, but how you say it that matters the most”. And, I loved my mother.
Decide you’re going to make good choices. The quickest way to achieve this is to think matters through. You want to become visionary. Ask yourself “if I do this, what will happen?”. This way, you go into life prepared for any outcome.
Do the right thing. This requires some soul searching. Figuring out the “right thing” is often harder than actually doing it. Dig deep.
Give a good first impression. It’s been said that you only have one time to make a good first impression. Be sure you make it positively memorable.
Be confident, but not arrogant. Know that your legal nurse consulting decisions are important in cases and you’ll need to be sure before you weigh in on a case.
Smile. It’s contagious. Be sure you laugh, too. Professional Legal Nurse Consultants who laugh often are happy nurses.
Now go on and be the best version of yourself. This should bring a smile to your face.
P.S. Comment below about your thoughts on what makes you likeable.