by Elizabeth Rudolph | Nov 24, 2015 | Legal Nurse Consulting
1. What are the most important advantages of being a PLNC?
2. Why do I want this change?
3. What frustrations do I have with my current job?
4. What two things can I do now to reach my goal?
5. Where would I like to be in five years and ten years?
You want to work at something that gives you pleasure, that fulfills you, provides you with advantages such as money, time off, or the ability to help others. You can find your voice as a
The choice is yours.
“The days are long, but the years are short.”
-Gretchen Rubin
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Jun 28, 2015 | Legal Nurse Consulting
As a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, you will often have to put your thoughts and findings into writing. This may intimidate you, whether you are a nurse, physician, attorney or another other professional. Why? Because many of us hear our elementary and high school English teachers in our heads as we sit down to write:
- Your writing needs work.
- Use proper grammar.
- Work on your spelling.
These are just a few of the admonishments we heard in nursing school. But you are no longer in school and no one is grading you. That said, your written materials do need to do their job. The better you write your PLNC reports, the better you will serve your attorney. Scared? Don’t be. Writing does not have to be chore. And it does not have to read like a nursing or legal textbook.
Make your writing easier in three simple steps:
- Brainstorm
- Freewrite
- Revise
That is all there is to it. Once you do those three steps, you have a expert witnessreport you can confidently share.
Another way to approach writing is to write the way you talk. If you have trouble with this, try recording yourself as you give the clinical review report as you would if the attorney was sitting in front of you. Then, you can transcribe the recording, make small revisions and you are ready to provide your nursing merit report.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Feb 28, 2015 | Legal Nurse Consulting
Whether you read this book in hardback or electronically, you absolutely must read it: The Barefoot Executive: The Ultimate Manual for Being Your Own Boss & Achieving Financial Freedom by Carrie Wilkerson. Or, go to here website here. The book is chock full of ideas for every nurse, Professional Legal Nurse Consultant or potential business owner.
The premise behind the book is that you cannot sit and wait for something good to happen to you. You must seek it out. Carrie gives you umpteen ways to achieve this. She specifically dispels three big mistakes out there: 1. Chasing someone else’s dream; 2. Chasing too many rabbits; and 3. Chasing dollars.
You need to read Chapter Eleven carefully because she talks about service-based business. Combined with Chapter Twelve on expertise-based businesses, this information is imperative for every Professional Legal Nurse Consultant to read. Carrie teaches us, through others’ stories, as well as her own, that there is opportunity in everyone.
The electronic version of the The Barefoot Executive has several videos of Carrie talking candidly and directly to the viewer. It is a down-home way of helping every nurse, every viewer, every individual, but is an extremely effective one.
Meeting Carrie Wilkerson is on my bucket list. Her life story and her book really resonate with me.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Jan 23, 2015 | Legal Nurse Consulting
Nursing is like running. You must conquer vast amounts of territories in little time. So, here’s what nurses, and especially Professional Legal Nurse Consultants (PLNC), can learn from a runner.
1. Determine your goal. Is it to master all kinds of cases? Is it to provide the most accurate documentation? Would you like to model superior nursing knowledge and apply it to your patients? You must first decide your goal, or it will not much matter where you go.
2. Get the appropriate gear. A nurse needs good shoes. A runner needs good shoes. A Professional Legal Nurse Consultant needs a good foundation in legal issues in nursing. You get the idea. Do not skimp.
3. Go and track your progress. PLNCs should keep a list of all cases ever reviewed, consulted in or testified about. Be sure you know the status of each case. A nurse should know the status of the patient.
It gets easier with time, but it starts with your first step. You can do it. Help a friend and pass this knowledge on.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Dec 27, 2014 | Legal Nurse Consulting
Think about this quote by Chuck Dederich, Sr. for a moment. “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”. You mean you can start new right now? Yes, you can. You can restart your nursing career, your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant career, your entire life. All it takes are just three tiny, itsy bitsy, steps.
Step One: Stop and allow yourself to think for less than one minute about your response to this question – Of all things I want to change/accomplish in 2015, what is the one item that will make a difference in my life and nursing career?
Step Two: Write (or type) down the one item you just identified that would make a difference in your life and nursing career.
Step Three: One the same piece of paper (or on your phone, tablet, computer), brainstorm four ways to accomplish this goal. For example, if your goal is to get your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Certification, or PLNC, in 2015, then your four ways to accomplish this are:
1) Register for the PLNC Live Certification Course or
2) Take the PLNC Video Certification Course or
3) Sign-up for the PLNC Audio Certification Course or
4) Go online and take the PLNC E-Course Certification Course.
You can do it! This can take less than five minutes of your life and open up opportunities immediately. You are worth it. You are a nurse and you are special. Happy New YOU!
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Nov 4, 2014 | Legal Nurse Consulting
Motivation is the key to your life and your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) success. You need motivation to guide your life and your aspirations in the right direction. Keep these four steps in mind to keep you on PLNC track:
1. Keep the big picture in mind: You want to know what you are trying to attain. Success as a legal nurse is achievable and you can do it! Stay focused on the entire picture and the details will unfold.
2. Set mini-goals: This is great to do when you think about the picture. The big picture could get scary but there is no reason that it needs to be this way. Set small, attainable goals and move on to the next one.
3. Believe in yourself: You are a nurse and you are capable of reaching your goals. Others have done it, and you can do it too.
4. Remind yourself: You constantly need to remind yourself why you are doing this. Money? Freedom? Flexible schedule? Leave notes in places you will see everyday.
There you have it. Four straight forward steps you can take to stay motivated in your beautiful Professional Legal Nurse Consultant business.