by Elizabeth Rudolph | Aug 22, 2014 | Legal Nurse Consulting
You went to nursing school. You studied. You worked hard. You put in the time. You acquired great nursing skills. Now, you want to expand your nursing skill set. Smart thinking!
How can you broaden your nursing abilities? The quickest way to success is through education. Get yourself certified in two days as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC). There are PLNCs all over the country, so you would be with great nurses. You just need to open the window to your opportunities in the legal field.
Ever wonder why people watch TV shows like Law & Order? CSI? Boston Legal? Because the law is fascinating. Be a part of the team that uses both your skills as a nurse and as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant. The most efficient and best way to accomplish your goal of combining your nursing degree with the law is by being a PLNC. Your nursing skills are invaluable to attorneys.
First thing first: Register for the Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Certification Course. There are only four live locations this Fall. Or, take the webinar. Now is your time.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Jul 23, 2014 | Legal Nurse Consulting
Try some apps for your mobile phone that could help you in your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) business. Think about these: EasyTaskManager, LucidListsFree or Errands To-Do List. Some apps are free, others are not so check them out thoroughly before purchasing. Whether you pony up and pay for an app is your decision. The goal here is to use it. If you are more likely to use an app if you pay for it, then by all means do it.
Follow this mantra: I will only use helpful apps and trash the rest.
Your PLNC practice deserves your full attention. You want to build it and keep it thriving. Do not bog down your nursing and expert witness life with a clogged phone full of apps you have not used. Be open to trying new apps but scrap ones you do not use, or are too complicated, for more streamlined ones. If the app is hard to navigate, you will either not use it or be frustrated by it. Either way, you will not accomplish your PLNC simplification goal.
Organizing your life and Professional Legal Nurse Consultant business will take a little time, but it’s worth it. Stay the course. Organization and time management go hand in hand. You will find when you accomplish one, you, essentially, accomplish the other.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Jun 25, 2014 | Legal Nurse Consulting
There is a lot to remember when you are testifying as nurse expert witness. Not only do you need to focus on the facts, your opinions and the basis for those opinions but you want to keep your composure. Follow these tips to make your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant testimony smooth and straight-forward, whether you are at a deposition, trial or arbitration hearing.
1. Know why you are testifying. Are you working for the plaintiff or the defense? Next, do you know the allegations in the complaint and the defenses in the answer? Are you centered on the most serious problems but haven’t lost sight of the more minor ones? Be sure you address these head on.
2. Answer only the question asked. Testifying as a PLNC is not the time to volunteer information. Listen to the question and provide your answer. Give your explanation, where you deem it appropriate. If you opt to give a non-responsive answer, be prepared for the possible consequences. That being said, there may be times when you provide answers, while not precisely on point, that do not meet with opposition or objection.
3. Objections indicate problems with the question. Be on guard for objections to questions posed to you as the nurse expert witness. Listen to them. Objections can guide your answers as you testify as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant at depositions, trial or arbitration hearings.
The three tips for Professional Legal Nurse Consultants can guide your testifying experience. How you handle deposition questions, trial interrogations and arbitration questioning might dictate your overall experience and practice.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Jun 19, 2014 | Inspiration, Legal Nurse Consulting
Success is the constant, but what are the variables? You want to get the constants under control in your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) business so you can deal with the variables. Life will throw you some curve balls but you, as a PLNC, need to be ready to handle them. Here’s how to really be successful in your legal nurse practice:
1. Plan your work. There is no better way to effectuate a change than to have a plan in place. The most successful Professional Legal Nurse Consultants work off of a plan. Tip: Create your “To Do” list the evening before. No sense wasting valuable time as you start your day.
2. Prioritize. You want to accomplish items on your “To Do” list AND you want to be successful. Time management is your friend. Focus on managing it. Tip: Rank your list with the most pressing items at the top. Those are the items you need to focus your attention on first.
3. When you are fresh, focus on your top priority items. Whether you are a morning, afternoon or night person will not matter. What does matter is that you focus on your top priority items when you are at your best. Tip: Set a timer for one hour and complete as many of your top priority items first.
Now, go and start your list. You are a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant and you will succeed.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | May 20, 2014 | Legal Nurse Consulting
KISS. That’s “Keep it simple, Sweetheart”. If you keep your life simplified, you’re more likely to get items accomplished. Don’t make it hard on yourself. Don’t fight gravity.
One of the tried and true methods for organization is the “To Do List”. Whether you opt for handwritten, typed or on your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop, you should think about how much a “To Do List” can help you. It forces you to organize your information.
First, get the items down that you need to actually do. Then, prioritize them. Some are recurring, others are daily, still others are weekly or even monthly or yearly. Are you keeping it simple, sweetheart?
Do this now:
1. Mind dump all things you need to do.
2. Start with your daily list and prioritize the items: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
3. Put the items into Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly categories.
4. Any item that’s recurring, put an “R” in front of it.
There you have it. Wasn’t that simple, Sweetheart?
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Apr 3, 2014 | Legal Nurse Consulting
As a nurse, you learned terms and words in nursing school. At first, there seemed to be so many and you wondered if you would ever master them. Then, you learned about medications. But, you did it. Well, you can learn pertinent legal terms to incorporate into your practice. Let’s just go through a few:
1. Negligence: Simply put, it means doing something you should not have done or not doing something you should have done. It is the sin of omission or the sin of commission. It is the number one issue #nurses face in practice.
2. Medical Malpractice: This refers to negligence committed by a professional. Nurses are professionals, so if a nurse commits negligence, it is considered “nursing malpractice”.
3. Torts: This centers around civil wrongs. If one commits a tort, then the injured party suffers damages.
You just learned three new legal phrases that you can immediately incorporate into your practice. Learn more important phrases here. And remember, you mastered terminology in nursing school, so you know you can continue to do it.