by Elizabeth Rudolph | Nov 6, 2013 | Legal Nurse Consulting
What will bring you Professional Legal Nurse Consultant happiness? Earning money, feeling valued, extra time to do what you want? You decide and then stay focused on your goals. How you obtain and maintain Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) happiness is up to you. There are, however, different steps to PLNC happiness.
Here are your three PLNC happiness steps:
1. Set three goals. While happiness comes from within, there is much you can do to make it happen. You must first set your goals, ones that are grounded in reality, while keeping your dreams alive. Do you want one case, three cases, twenty-three cases to review? Start with one, then next thing you know, you will be in a position to take on many more.
2. Itemize your steps for each goal. This is your roadmap. You must plan your day. The key to success is in the planning and then executing on your plan. For example, if you were planning a road trip, you would need a map, maybe a GPS or some kind of instruction on how to get there. But, as it has been said, if you don’t know where you want to get to, then any way will do. Right?
3. Evaluate your outcome. Was it worth the effort? Did you feel good inside? Only you know how you feel. Connect with those feelings.
Now, repeat the process. PLNC success is a wonderful and elevating feeling. You can do it. We are here for you.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Oct 23, 2013 | Legal Nurse Consulting
By now many questions have been asked of you in your nursing practice and Professional Legal Nurse Consultant practice about the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare“. While you may feel comfortable with providing some of the answers, PLNCs know this law has far-reaching effects on patients and the delivery of patient care.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: The part of this law that mostly affects patients and their care is contained in the “Affordable Care Act” section. The entire law can be found at 42 USC §18001.
Major provisions were/are implemented in stages: By now we have heard how January 1, 2014 is the date for health care plans purchased beginning October 1, 2014 in the Health Insurance Marketplaces. Purchases can still be made until March 31, 2014.
Preventive services are covered: As a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, you need to know which preventive services are covered under the plans, which are covered free of charge and which services are not covered. For example, there are twenty-two covered preventive services for women and pregnant women, eight additional women’s preventive services covered without cost-sharing and fifteen covered preventive services for adults. This knowledge could impact your review of not only the medical records but the medical bills, as well.
As we go forward in time, the Affordable Care Act‘s provisions should become clearer. In the meantime, continue to check the government website,, and stay tuned here for more blog posts.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Oct 8, 2013 | Legal Nurse Consulting
Time is money. You want to start reviewing medical records for attorneys in legal cases as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, but you do not quite know where to start. Start here. Quickly.
1. Get your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Certification. Register for the Live Course in one of the two remaining live course locations this fall: Oct. 19 & 20 in Memphis or Oct. 26 & 27 in New Orleans at You want your PLNC certification so you have credibility in the field.
2. Get your profile on the Jurex Expert Directory now. Need help? Email us and we will be glad to help you. Remember, when you want to make changes in the future, just email us and we will do it for you at Getting yourself listed on the Jurex Expert Directory is a must!
3. Get your resume together. Need help? We will help you. Get the Resume (CV) Service.
Now, you are well on your way. Do not wait. You can do it and we, at Jurex, are here to help you every step of the way.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Sep 24, 2013 | Legal Nurse Consulting
Instead of letting the voice inside you discourage you from your full potential, tell yourself “you can do it!”. You want to be a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant. You want to be a successful PLNC. You want to be happy. Tell yourself you can do it. Do not tell yourself you can’t.
We all must recognize there are forces within ourselves that can prevent us from reaching our desires or dreams. The key is to conquer these thoughts and remain in control of your life’s pursuits.
It is your inner dialogue which can profoundly impact your life. You CAN conquer your fear. In Conquering Fear: Living Boldly in an Uncertain World, Harold S. Kushner directly deals with your fear factor. He describes steps you can take to overcome your fear.
Whether you desire to become a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, or already a PLNC, you can take charge of your thoughts to propel you to the next level. First, listen to your inner voice and second, tell yourself you are in control of your nursing career and your life.
How do you think the expression “food for thought” ever came about? Feed those thoughts healthy thought food and you will be well on your way to becoming a successful Professional Legal Nurse Consultant.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Sep 9, 2013 | Legal Nurse Consulting
You attained your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant certification. You are excited, pumped and ready to start.
Here are three ways to get your PLNC business off the ground and running:
1. Write your email script. You want a short and to-the-point email. Your script should state how you help the attorney, your abilities and how you can be contacted.
2. Gather ten attorneys’ email addresses. Go online and get the names, email addresses and phone numbers for ten trial attorneys. Start in your city, town or municipality. Then, branch out to neighboring cities and states.
3. Follow up with a short phone call. Here, again, you should create a short script. Rehearse it and then do it. You want results so you must put any fears or concerns aside and “just do it” as the Nike slogan says.
More ideas to come, so keeping watching for new blog posts. Give us your comments on topics and solutions you would like to read about. We are here for you.
by Elizabeth Rudolph | Aug 30, 2013 | Legal Nurse Consulting
Do you start each day with a “do good” plan in mind? Can you try it for one day and see how it goes? Simply put: A “do good” plan means you try to be the best you can be. Now, let’s apply this to your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) practice.
When you review medical records as a PLNC, you want to provide the best possible work product. That means “doing good”. For example, do not overlook any entries in the medical record, even ones you would not ordinarily review. It is those very records that might provide a pearl, or a clue, to the mystery you are attempting to solve.
Another way you can “do good” as Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, is offer to put together a chronology for the attorney. While it does not have to be long or cumbersome, a good chronology is invaluable in case preparation. It saves the attorney, or paralegal, from having to go back through every medical record to find a specific item or entry.
Finally, “do good” in your every day dealings with attorneys and other expert witnesses. When you share the wealth, you will find that “doing good” also means “doing well”.