Three Financial Habits Nurses & Professional Legal Nurse Consultants Must Build

Three Financial Habits Nurses & Professional Legal Nurse Consultants Must Build

When it comes to understanding where our money goes, we let ourselves off the hook by telling ourselves “I don’t know enough about finances” or “My spouse, significant other, friend (fill in the blank) handles our finances”. Perhaps you even tell yourself “I’ll do it when I get time”. Maybe it’s “I don’t know how”.

Whatever we tell ourselves, we MUST and I repeat, MUST know the state of our finances AT ALL TIMES. Even if you let someone else “handle” them, you still need to know how much money you have and where it’s located.

Here are three essential steps every nurse and/or Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) must know today:

1. Know exactly how much money you have. No exceptions. For example, i you’re going to start a diet, you’d need to know how much weighed so you could figure out if you lost or gained weight. Ask yourself:1) What is my total monthly income from my nursing or Professional Legal Nurse Consultant job? Not just from my paycheck, but any other sources. 2) What are my total monthly expenses? Think of EVERYTHING you spend money on, whether it’s fixed or variable, each month. Then, subtract your monthly expenses from your monthly income and if you don’t have money left over, you’ve overspent. If you do have money leftover…

2. Put your money into a savings account. No exceptions. Automatically take money out of your paycheck each month and have it deposited into a savings or money market account. Don’t touch this money. Before you know it, you’ll have money saved! You could use it to accumulate more wealth, save it for your emergency fund in case you need it, or put it toward something you want to buy.

3. Use a personal financial app or website. No more passbook savings or pieces of paper floating around with your nursing or professional legal nurse consulting income on it. You need a simple, yet consolidated, method to keep all your accounts within reach. Consider using one of these apps: Claritymoney, Mint, or Wally.

No more money excuses. You can keep track of your money. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 (above).

P.S. Want to know the quickest way to advance your nursing career? Find out here.

Three Easy Steps to Market Your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Business

Three Easy Steps to Market Your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Business

Do you want three easy steps to market your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) business? Knock out these three steps, in order, to attain the success you always wanted. Just know that nurses no longer have work only in nursing. As a nurse and PLNC, you can work remotely for a law firm office or for a business.

Three Marketing Steps for EVERY Professional Legal Nurse Consultant:

  1. Select a name for your PLNC business. Mark it easy to read and spell. If your last name doesn’t meet these qualifications, then don’t use your last name. For example, you might like to call your PLNC practice “Seaside Professional Legal Nurse Consultants” or “Magnolia PLNC Company”. Then, start by sending an email to local attorneys.
  2. Use social media to your advantage. Whether you use Facebook, Instagram, and/or LinkedIn, use something to get your PLNC business out there front and center. And, be sure you post with regularity. You don’t have to use all of these social media platforms, just be consistent.
  3. Get a website. It can be simple and clean. Consider WordPress or Wix. These are easy enough to create yourself or hire someone to do it for you through a platform like Fiverr, for example.

What are you waiting for? Follow these three steps and go market yourself. Then, check your results.

P.S. Be SURE you get your FREE Guide on how to Use Your Nursing Skills in Legal Cases to HIKE YOUR INCOME here!!

What Do I Need To Get Started As A Professional Legal Nurse Consultant?

What Do I Need To Get Started As A Professional Legal Nurse Consultant?

To get started as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) you need NOTHING other than your nursing degree. Wow! Isn’t that great? You already have your PLNC Certification and you can reach out to attorneys who need your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant services. You don’t have to have a lot of money. You don’t even have to know which attorneys to reach out to. You would have learned that in the PLNC Certification Course but it’s contained below. You just need to have a willingness to try. That’s all.

Most Professional Legal Nurse Consultants start in their home territory. That means once you’re PLNC certified, you contact attorneys by email or phone or both in your town, city, county, or municipality. Don’t overthink this. The KEY is just to START.

It’s a matter of numbers. The more attorneys you contact, the greater the likelihood of reaching them. So, here are ways to reach attorneys near you. But, remember, you want to try to find those attorneys who practice in the area of medical malpractice or personal injury. You can expand your areas later. 

Three ways to get started as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC):
1. Do an internet search of attorneys in your area. Narrow your search as much as you can. For example, “medical malpractice attorneys in Memphis, TN” or “personal injury lawyers in Memphis, TN”. 
2. Contact the local bar association. This means calling or emailing your local bar association which is an association of attorneys in your area. Ask how to reach medical malpractice and personal injury attorneys.
3. Draft an email to send to the attorneys. Be SURE you include your name, your PLNC credentials, phone, and email address. Sounds basic, but you’d be amazed how many emails attorneys get that don’t contain essential contact information. Your email needs to be concise but must state your purpose. 

Remember, as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, you are listed on the Jurex Expert Directory where attorneys can also find you. But, there’s no substitute for seeking out attorneys in your area and those in the medical malpractice and personal injury field. You want to reach trial attorneys.

Top Three Ways To Get Clients: For PLNCs

Top Three Ways To Get Clients: For PLNCs

There are a lot of ways floating around out there on how to get clients. But, as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC), you want attorney-clients. You want to narrow your focus, hunker down, get attorneys to notice you, and hire you to review their medical records. So, let’s focus on the top three ways to accomplish this:

1. Identify your ideal attorney-client. There are lots of attorneys out there. As a matter-of-fact, the American Bar Association’s National Lawyer Population Survey cites the number of active attorneys in the United States as of 2017 as over 1.3 million. That is a lot of lawyers. And, that means a big pool of potential attorney-clients for your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant business. You want to focus on the attorneys most likely to need your PLNC services and that would be litigators. Specifically, you want to reach trial attorneys, especially those who practice medical malpractice, personal injury, disability law, and the like.

2. Create a list of attorney-clients and contact them. NOW. Your list does not need to be fancy, or even complete. You just need to start somewhere. Need ideas on where to start? How about with an internet search of attorneys in your county, city, or area of the country? You will be amazed how many attorneys will pop up on your internet engine search. Then, the task will be to narrow the number and reach out to them.

3. Follow up. Yes, the number one reason for not getting enough clients is poor follow through. Say, you email the attorney and they email back with some interest. Or, you call and speak with the attorney. Now, you need to follow up. Email back with a short, professional, and to-the-point response asking when you can obtain the medical records for review. Let them know you are there to help them and are available to do it now, when they need you most.

There is no time like the present. You want clients? Follow this roadmap each to time to PLNC success.

Get Inspired By This Treat: For Every Nurse

Get Inspired By This Treat: For Every Nurse

Do you want encouragement to do things you want to do? If you’ve ever wanted to be a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, just know that it is within your reach. You want inspiration, motivation, illumination? Then, you’ve come to the right place. If you are a nurse, you can be a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant. Here is what is in store for you as a legal nurse consultant:

1. You can make lots of money. It is up to you how much you make. Once certified as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC), you can review medical records for money. How many you decide to review and how much you want to charge for your review is up to you.

2. You can live the life you’ve always wanted. As a PLNC, you are valued for your nursing judgment. Your opinions matter. You express those opinions and get paid and valued for them. With more cash and more appreciation for your skill set, you can do with it what you wish.

3. You can find a treat in each case you review. This means, the more you find, the more valuable you are as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant. You are respected, highly regarded, and appreciated as a legal nurse. You are able to use the skills you went to school for. And, when you contribute your expertise to cases, you are rewarded.

Just remember this: Love what you do as a PLNC and in each case you review, you’ll find a treat!

Legal Nurse Consultant Marketing: You Want Repeat Business

Legal Nurse Consultant Marketing: You Want Repeat Business

Once you have established yourself and provided your valuable service to a few clients, your focus should shift from attracting new clients to getting them to do repeat business with you. Never stop your efforts to build your clientele, but it is cheaper to keep an established client than it is to attract a new one. So how do you get repeat business? There are a few ways.

  • Under-promise and over-deliver.

This concept is key because it gives clients the impression that you always go the extra mile. If you estimate a job will take six hours but only takes five, you look efficient and dependable. But if you estimate six and take seven, unless there is a valid reason for the overage, it hurts your reputation.

Don’t go overboard with this, grossly inflating time or cost estimates just to make yourself look good. Instead, pad yourself a little, just in case. Because sometimes, a six hour job takes six hours.

  • Incentives.

Offer coupons for a free medical record review. Or send fresh cookies to a client who just hired you for a job. By showing some individual attention and/or offering a chance to save money, you will garner much repeat business.

  • Stay in touch.

Don’t forget about a client once you have been paid for your work. Instead, send a thank you card, add them to your newsletter mailing list and, if you can, remember their birthday or some other specific anniversary so you can send a card or flowers. Also, read the local paper – if the firm or attorney gets a write-up, send them an acknowledgement.

There are hundreds of tips and tricks you can use to keep your existing clients. Be creative. Think about how you would want to be treated by an independent contractor. Treat your clients well and they will do the same for you.

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