What type of personality do you have? It’s not a question of knowing yourself well, but well enough. We each have different personality temperaments and we use those traits in our lives and in our jobs.
You want to understand your personality temperament. What’s your core personality? Knowing this will unlock your potential and your self-awareness.
Just like there’s more than one nursing practice area, there’re many types of personalities that thrive in life and in careers. Look around in your current job. Think about the people you interact with. What types of personalities do you see?
How to determine if your personality fits with being a legal nurse consultant
Think a nurse can only have one type of personality to be successful as a legal nurse consultant? Think again. There are MULTIPLE personality types of successful PLNCs.
Let’s figure out your personality type and see if it fits with being a legal nurse consultant also known as a nurse expert witness.
One of most often used personality tests is based on research by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and it’s called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The LINK to a FREE version of the Myers-Briggs short-form test is below.
Whether or not you’ve taken the Myers-Briggs test before, take the short one attached to the link at the end of this blog post.
The Myers-Briggs identifies many aspects of your personality, but here are the eight main types:
Which one are you or are you a combination?
Extravert vs. Introvert: How we interact with world around us
Sensing vs. Intuition: How we receive info and make decisions
Thinking vs. Feeling: Our method of making decisions
Judging vs. Perceiving: How we operate in the world
We get a four-letter combination. For example, you could be an IIFJ or and ESTP.
Legal Nurse Consultant Employment Settings
Whether you’re an extravert, introvert, or a combination of these, as a PLNC, you’ll be able to use all your personality traits.
Let’s look at a real-life example
As a PLNC, you are your own boss. While you get medical record review assignments from an attorney, you get to work on your own, on your own time and at your own pace being mindful of any deadlines. You might provide your summary of the medical records by email, but you might provide them in-person in the attorney’s office or virtually via teleconference which we’ve come to know as Zoom, WebEx, Microsoft Teams, etc.
This goes to show you that no matter what your “Personality Type” is, you can be successful as a PLNC. In legal nurse consulting practice, you can draw on your more prominent traits.
There’s not just one type of personality that’s successful in legal nurse consulting practice. Look around you in nursing practice. Is only one nurse more successful than another? No.
The most important aspect of knowing your personality type is becoming more self-aware. So, take a short-form FREE version of Myers-Briggs test. And know that regardless of your personality type, you’re suited to be a successful Professional Legal Nurse Consultant.
P.S. Take the free version of a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator here. What is your personality type?