Do you start each day with a “do good” plan in mind? Can you try it for one day and see how it goes? Simply put: A “do good” plan means you try to be the best you can be. Now, let’s apply this to your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) practice.
When you review medical records as a PLNC, you want to provide the best possible work product. That means “doing good”. For example, do not overlook any entries in the medical record, even ones you would not ordinarily review. It is those very records that might provide a pearl, or a clue, to the mystery you are attempting to solve.
Another way you can “do good” as Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, is offer to put together a chronology for the attorney. While it does not have to be long or cumbersome, a good chronology is invaluable in case preparation. It saves the attorney, or paralegal, from having to go back through every medical record to find a specific item or entry.
Finally, “do good” in your every day dealings with attorneys and other expert witnesses. When you share the wealth, you will find that “doing good” also means “doing well”.