Look no further. There’re all kinds of potential employers of Professional Legal Nurse Consultants (PLNC). You decide which employer is best for you and your lifestyle. That’s another added benefit of being certified as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant!
Work from home independently. If you are already holding down a job as a full-time nurse, and are looking for revenue to supplement your income, working independently from home is a great direction to go in because it affords you the luxury to create your own hours. An independent PLNC is an individual who has good organizational and time management skills.
Independent PLNCs usually work with attorneys and law firms. You determine your hourly billing rate. Remember, you’ll still have some nonbillable tasks such as bookkeeping and keeping your files up to date.
You might decide to work as a PLNC full-time. In that case, you’ll have other factors to consider such as purchasing health care insurance, perhaps employing others such as a virtual assistant, and increase in equipment costs.
Insurance companies. PLNCs working for insurance companies usually work for claims representatives or adjusters. They work in concert with the adjuster or claims representative. They also work with an attorney hired by the insurance company to litigate a particular case. Many insurance companies look for nurses who have been certified and/or have experience reviewing medical records.
Law Firms. A PLNC working for a law firm will work with attorneys in various types of cases related to healthcare issues such as: personal injury and medical malpractice. The PLNc can either be employed by or contract with the law firm firm. As an employee, often you’ll have benefits such as health insurance, sick days and annual days. As an independent contractor, you will provide these yourself but often there’s more flexibility in your hours.
Healthcare Systems. Many PLNCs choose to work for healthcare systems or hospitals, which is similar to working for an insurance company. You may be called upon to work directly with the company’s risk manager or compliance departments, providing similar support as you would at an insurance company. Usually, the benefits and salary would also be similar to being employed at a law firm or insurance company.
Corporate Entities. As a PLNC working for a large or medium-sized corporation, you may provide the corporation with assistance related to workers’ compensation and other legal issues. You might choose to work as an independent consultant in this setting or potentially be employed by the company.
Government. You may choose to work on the local, state, or federal level as a PLNC in government. Most of this work will involve investigations and working with governing boards of a particular agency. These agencies could include state universities, correctional facilities, clinics, commissions, boards, and governmental agencies.
There’re so many options out there for Professional Legal Nurse Consultants. You might decide to try one or try them all to decide what fits your personality and lifestyle. It’s up to you. As my grandmother, of loving memory, said “the world is your oyster!”.
P.S. What type of PLNC job suits you?