In starting any new Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) venture or business, it is important to remember that there is no one source of inspiration. Many nurses find inspiration from their communities or social and economic environments. You might be inspired, or driven, by a need to provide your local attorneys with a resource that very few PLNCs offer. Or, it may just come down to the fact that you simply want to set your nursing career on a new course of adventure.
In other words, you just might want to try something different. Regardless of your reason(s), you must move in the direction of your goal if you want to succeed.
Focus your energies on these five sources of inspiration for starting your PLNC business (Rhonda Abrams, What Business Should I Start?, USA Today):
1. Your nursing experience.
2. Hobbies you enjoy.
3. An “Aha” moment.
4. Some else’s work experience.
5. Systematic research.
Keep your momentum going. The key here is to make your stumbling blocks your stepping stones. Your attitude and enthusiasm will not only help you, but could prove contagious, in obtaining future PLNC cases to review.