WATCH the video so you can be successful as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC). Let’s quickly cover the 5 tips you need to be a successful PLNC. In the video, you’ll get takeaways you can use today. It’s well worth your time!
Five Tips To Be A Successful Professional Legal Nurse Consultant
- Take initiative. Constanty evaluate yourself and your performance. This is the best way to achieve career success. Pitch new solutions. Be willing to take on more projects. (You get paid by the hour, so why not?).
- Use your nursing experience to generate income as a Registered Nurse. It’s quality not quantity. Years of experience don’t matter as much as the types of clinical experience you’ve had.
- Continuing nursing education and development. The pursuit of nursing knowledge is what matters. If you don’t know something, look it up.
- Communicate your skills as a legal nurse consultant (+Bonus Tip). You’ll be interacting with the entire legal team: attorneys, clients of attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants, and othersl
- Give attention to detail. The big picture is important, but don’t forget to focus on the details. Sometimes a chronology is useful when there’re a lot of facts.
Ask yourself “Would I hire me?” if I were this attorney.
You’re the “expert” and as a PLNC you’re valued for your expertise.
P.S. Want to expand your income, get our FREE Guide here.