COVID-19 has changed EVERYTHING. The way we do legal nurse consulting business is totally different than it was pre-pandemic. We can change with it!
The focus since the coronavirus is on how to best provide legal services to clients in a virtual world. Attorneys and law firms are concentrating on streamlining litigation and at the same handling the volumes of lawsuits requiring legal nurse consulting services.
How the Coronavirus Pandemic has impacted Professional Legal Nurse Consulting business:
- Seismic increase in the number of lawsuits. The coronavirus has caused a voluminous increase in lawsuits. Cases have medical records and those medical records need to be reviewed. Professional Legal Nurse Consultants are in the best position to provide services as their PLNC certification training has enhanced their skills.
- Easier to extend your legal nurse consultant services across the nation. While the entire country has always been a possibility for PLNCs to review medical record reviews in legal cases, the pandemic has allowed all PLNCs to connect with others across vast distances. This means you can extend your expertise across the entire country. Our new virtual reality lowers the threshold on geographic locations.
- Vastly growing popularity of videoconferencing. It’s a video world. Look at the growing popularity of social media sites that promote video, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, just to name a few. Today’s PLNC can deliver legal nurse consulting services via videoconferencing and make your services much more compelling than in the past.
Things HAVE changed. Professional Legal Nurse Consultants have proven they can easily change with it!
P.S. Comment below on how you’ve changed your legal nurse consulting services since the pandemic started.