You attained your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant certification. You are excited, pumped and ready to start.
Here are three ways to get your PLNC business off the ground and running:
1. Write your email script. You want a short and to-the-point email. Your script should state how you help the attorney, your abilities and how you can be contacted.
2. Gather ten attorneys’ email addresses. Go online and get the names, email addresses and phone numbers for ten trial attorneys. Start in your city, town or municipality. Then, branch out to neighboring cities and states.
3. Follow up with a short phone call. Here, again, you should create a short script. Rehearse it and then do it. You want results so you must put any fears or concerns aside and “just do it” as the Nike slogan says.
More ideas to come, so keeping watching for new blog posts. Give us your comments on topics and solutions you would like to read about. We are here for you.