I want to make a difference. I want to help others. These are reasons we often tell ourselves why we go into nursing. These are the exact same reasons to become a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC). You take your nursing skills, combine them with the legal skills you’ll learn in your PLNC Certification Course, and viola, you are ready to make a difference and help others!
How, you ask, can a PLNC make a difference and help others? The answer is simple: review medical records and give your opinion.
Your nursing opinions counts. Your nursing experience counts. When you put together your nursing experience with acquired legal know-how, you instantly have the credibility you need to be successful as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC).
Let’s break this down in pieces.
You become a nurse. You work as a nurse. No set number of years or practice areas matter. It just matters that you’re a nurse and have worked as one.
Gnawing at you may be your desire to help. To do something that matters in this world. That was this one nurse’s reason to get PLNC certified.
This nurse, let’s call her, Abby, loved to watch courtroom dramas on TV. Abby envisioned herself as a nurse but her long-term dream was to be a lawyer. While she didn’t want to go through the rigors of further schooling, she wanted to do more with her nursing degree. Abby was struggling to pay her bills yet wanted to make her mark in life. She asked herself how she could do it being a nurse? She had to go on in her schooling, even if the going was going to be tough.
Bit by bit, step by baby step, Abby pressed on. She did an internet search, asked around, and found the legal nurse consultant program that fit her needs. One that was thorough, affordable, and able to be completed 100% online. One that had an unlimited mentoring program. One that was recognized in the field as the preeminent Professional Legal Nurse Consultant program.
Abby selected Jurex Center for Legal Nurse Consultants and never looked back. In two days, she completed the online PLNC Certification Course and immediately added the PLNC credential to her signature. She framed her beautiful PLNC Certification certificate and hung it on her bedroom wall. She was proud. She was happy. She did it.
Now, she wanted to review medical records for others. Abby hooked up with a Plaintiffs’ law firm in her town and reviewed her first medical record. Got paid. Reviewed her second medical record. Got paid. And on and on it went.
Looking back now as a successful Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, Abby is so happy she did it one step at a time. She attained success. She pressed forward even when she doubted herself.
Abby accomplished her goal to make a difference and to help others. Interestingly, it’s still her goal as she continues on her beautiful journey.
P.S. How can you make a difference in the lives of others?