Success is the constant, but what are the variables? You want to get the constants under control in your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) business so you can deal with the variables. Life will throw you some curve balls but you, as a PLNC, need to be ready to handle them. Here’s how to really be successful in your legal nurse practice:
1. Plan your work. There is no better way to effectuate a change than to have a plan in place. The most successful Professional Legal Nurse Consultants work off of a plan. Tip: Create your “To Do” list the evening before. No sense wasting valuable time as you start your day.
2. Prioritize. You want to accomplish items on your “To Do” list AND you want to be successful. Time management is your friend. Focus on managing it. Tip: Rank your list with the most pressing items at the top. Those are the items you need to focus your attention on first.
3. When you are fresh, focus on your top priority items. Whether you are a morning, afternoon or night person will not matter. What does matter is that you focus on your top priority items when you are at your best. Tip: Set a timer for one hour and complete as many of your top priority items first.
Now, go and start your list. You are a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant and you will succeed.