Time is money. You want to start reviewing medical records for attorneys in legal cases as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, but you do not quite know where to start. Start here. Quickly.
1. Get your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Certification. Register for the Live Course in one of the two remaining live course locations this fall: Oct. 19 & 20 in Memphis or Oct. 26 & 27 in New Orleans at www.jurexnurse.com. You want your PLNC certification so you have credibility in the field.
2. Get your profile on the Jurex Expert Directory now. Need help? Email us and we will be glad to help you. Remember, when you want to make changes in the future, just email us and we will do it for you at info@jurexnurse.com. Getting yourself listed on the Jurex Expert Directory is a must!
3. Get your resume together. Need help? We will help you. Get the Resume (CV) Service.
Now, you are well on your way. Do not wait. You can do it and we, at Jurex, are here to help you every step of the way.