There are lots of lawsuits out there where a nurse could be involved. As a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) do you know what types of lawsuits most commonly involve nurses?
Ultimately, almost any lawsuit could involve a nurse, but here are the ones nurses might most often find themselves involved in, so read closely…
Nursing Malpractice: This is a type of “tort” or civil wrong where an injury results allegedly from something the nurse did, or did not do but should’ve done, wrong. Professional Legal Nurse Consultants review medical records for either party in these types of nursing malpractice or negligence lawsuits, but not for both because of ethical reasons.
Criminal law: In criminal law cases the government, whether that be state or federal, brings the charge against the defendant. The goal of criminal law is punishment and deterrence, not monetary compensation usually.
Agency law: This arises out of the legislative branch of government, such as from the State Board of Nursing. For example, a patient can bring a complaint regarding nursing care to the State Board. After following legal procedure, the State Board can discipline nurses, if the State Board prevails over the nurse.
Worse yet, based on facts in a case, a nurse could 1) be a party to the nursing malpractice lawsuit, 2) prosecuted criminally, and 3) have to defend oneself in an agency or disciplinary hearing. Or, these three types of cases could be brought singly.
As a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, the more you know, the better. Strive to learn as much as you can so you can be the best you can be.
P.S. Comment below about how these three types of cases overlap.