Legal Nurse Consultant Coaching

When you want extra assistance.

Legal Nurse Consultant Coaching

Guidance and motivation to overcome a variety of obstacles

Behind every champion, there’s a coach. Coaches are teachers, counselors, cheerleaders, and psychologists are rolled into one. They’re astute observers offering insights and master motivators helping us to reach deep inside for that little something extra. Coaches help elevate our performance to levels we’d never achieve on our own. Because Jurex Nurse believes in the power of positive coaching, we provide different levels of coaching to meet the needs of our PLNCs. You can receive free group coaching through our private Facebook group, or book private coaching sessions for a modest fee.

The difference between coaches and mentors

Jurex Nurse offers mentorship and coaching for our PLNCs. Mentorship focuses narrowly on the professional aspects of your career. When you have questions about the nuts and bolts of the job, your mentor is only an email or a phone call away. Coaching takes a more holistic approach to success as a PLNC, and touches upon issues like:

  • Work/life balance
  • Managing stress
  • Dealing with law firm dynamics
  • Maximizing your potential
  • Tapping your hidden talents
  • Developing positive habits
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • Building your networking skills

Coaching allows you the opportunity to address a wide range of issues that might be hampering your performance, slowing the growth of your business, and holding you back from realizing your full potential as a PLNC.

Mentor and Coach
Sam, Minnesota

“Having a business coach is a great supplement for me. I like to check in regularly.”

Sam, Minnesota

    Highly qualified coach leads group and private sessions

    Elizabeth Rudolph, the founder of Jurex Nurse, handles coaching duties for our PLNCs. Elizabeth is a nurse, an attorney, and a mother for four boys, so she understands all the issues facing legal nurse consultants on and off the job. She is also a nationally recognized speaker on legal issues nursing, with appearances at more than two thousand conferences, seminars, and workshops. Elizabeth has authored countless publications from articles to books to instructional materials. As an authority on legal nurse consulting, an attorney, and an entrepreneur, Elizabeth has been featured in print and digital media and on television.

    With Jurex Nurse, you can get free group coaching through our private Facebook group. The group serves as a forum, where PLNCs can share their thoughts and concerns, and support each other in their journeys. The Facebook group is the platform Elizabeth uses for group coaching. Sessions are lively, interactive, and informative, touching on topics relevant to your life as a PLNC. Group coaching also helps to build community, as you connect with other nurses who have made the same leap in their career.

    Because group coaching is not optimal for every situation, you have the option to schedule a private coaching session with Elizabeth. Private sessions allow for greater individual introspection, so you can do a deeper dive into the issues you’re struggling with. Elizabeth conducts private coaching over the phone or via Zoom. There is a fee for this service.

    PLNC Post-Certification Internship

    In line with our coaching and mentorship, Jurex Nurse also offers a post-certification internship. The Internship is available through the Star and Premium Certification Systems.

    Ready to get started?

    Select the PLNC Certification System you want!


    Standard System

    Lowest Price! $1499

    Get the premier Legal Nurse Consultant certification training and start earning.

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    Star System

    Most Popular! $2499

    Accelerate your Legal Nurse Consultant success. Jump start your career.

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    Premium System

    All Inclusive! $4999

    Complete Legal Nurse Consultant success package. Your all-inclusive kit.

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    Elizabeth Rudolph Founder

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    Elizabeth Rudolph, JD, MSN, RN, PLNC

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