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Jobs are plentiful and hourly rates are high
In the United States, there are more than 1.3 million lawyers, many of whom practice personal injury law, which includes medical malpractice cases. These plaintiff attorneys need to know whether they can prove the elements of their cases by a preponderance of the evidence. This means it is more likely than not that a medical error directly injured their client. On the defense side, attorneys must rebut allegation of negligence. Therefore, questions arise. Did a patient receive substandard care? Did a healthcare provider’s mistake directly harm the patient? Are a plaintiff’s injuries permanent or is the plaintiff likely to recover fully? A Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, or Nurse Expert Witness, provides insight into cases by evaluating medical records. By doing so, the PLNC makes an essential contribution to the legal process, for which PLNCs are well compensated. Hourly rates can vary but usually start at $150 per hour.
Demand for legal nurse consultant services surpasses the PLNC supply
Depending on the state where you live, the law may require a medical board review of a malpractice claim before a case can proceed to court. Other states require a review by an expert witness before an attorney can file a case. Review requirements help ensure steady work for skilled PLNCs whose reports are necessary for the process and can be a determining factor in whether the case can proceed. But even if there is no prelitigation review requirement, attorneys have to be certain about the strength of a case. For this, PLNC reports are vital.
PLNC reports are not just used in malpractice cases. You could be called upon to examine medical evidence in personal injury cases, criminal cases, workers’ compensation claims, probate cases, and many more. In courthouses around the country, thousands of civil cases are filed every day, while attorneys are also busily assessing cases to file in the future. There is more work than there are PLNCs to do it, which is why PLNCs command high hourly rates and flexible working hours.
What does the job of a Legal Nurse Expert Witness entail?
PLNCs review medical records for either side of a legal controversy. You might work for the plaintiff’s attorney or for counsel representing the defendant. Your attorney client provides medical records and you, following the technique learned in your PLNC certification course, review each page methodically. You might be called upon to construct a chronology (i.e., timeline) to assist readers in understanding the facts. In a concise report, you also include your professional opinion on key medical issues.
As an example, a plaintiff’s attorney in a medical malpractice case would use your report when drafting a Complaint, which explains (among other elements of the case) how the defendant allegedly caused the injury and how badly the plaintiff was hurt. The attorney would rely on your report, along with other sources, to determine how much compensation to demand for the injuries. Meanwhile, a defense attorney might use facts in a PLNC report to claim the defendant healthcare provider followed accepted medical procedure, to refute causation, and to assert a different assessment of the injuries.

“A great benefit is being on the Jurex Expert Directory, where attorneys can find YOU. That’s how I started with my first client I still have today.”
Ellen, Illinois
Legal Nurse salary and job description
Most PLNCs are consultants working on a contract basis, so they are not salaried employees. Hourly rates usually start at around $150, but go up to around $200 for those who choose to testify in court. There’s ample opportunity to earn a substantial income, whether on a fulltime or parttime basis.
PLNC work affords great flexibility. You can choose how many hours you want to work, and you can often work remotely from the comfort of your home. If you are looking for the chance to work in a law office, there are opportunities that allow you to work there and interact with the legal team.
PLNC work is a great sideline while you continue your nursing career or raise your family, because you can work from home or another remote location. For a more detailed job description, see our .
Program support for marketing your services and finding steady work
A unique aspect of our Jurex Nurse certification program is that we teach you how to market your services and build your consulting business. Unlimited mentorship is included with your certification and renewal. Your profile listing in our Expert Directory is easily searchable, so attorneys can find you. We also provide networking opportunities through membership in our Association of Professional Legal Nurse Consultants.
If all this sounds attractive, click one of the buttons below to start your certification process now.
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Elizabeth Rudolph, JD, MSN, RN, PLNC

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