Once you have established yourself and provided your valuable service to a few clients, your focus should shift from attracting new clients to getting them to do repeat business with you. Never stop your efforts to build your clientele, but it is cheaper to keep an established client than it is to attract a new one. So how do you get repeat business? There are a few ways.
- Under-promise and over-deliver.
This concept is key because it gives clients the impression that you always go the extra mile. If you estimate a job will take six hours but only takes five, you look efficient and dependable. But if you estimate six and take seven, unless there is a valid reason for the overage, it hurts your reputation.
Don’t go overboard with this, grossly inflating time or cost estimates just to make yourself look good. Instead, pad yourself a little, just in case. Because sometimes, a six hour job takes six hours.
- Incentives.
Offer coupons for a free medical record review. Or send fresh cookies to a client who just hired you for a job. By showing some individual attention and/or offering a chance to save money, you will garner much repeat business.
- Stay in touch.
Don’t forget about a client once you have been paid for your work. Instead, send a thank you card, add them to your newsletter mailing list and, if you can, remember their birthday or some other specific anniversary so you can send a card or flowers. Also, read the local paper – if the firm or attorney gets a write-up, send them an acknowledgement.
There are hundreds of tips and tricks you can use to keep your existing clients. Be creative. Think about how you would want to be treated by an independent contractor. Treat your clients well and they will do the same for you.
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