FREE Legal Nurse Consultant Mentoring for PLNCs
Advisors will guide you just like a tutor.

Jurex Nurse Unlimited Mentoring helps hone skills for a successful career
Let’s face it, experience really is the best teacher. No matter how good your training has been, actually doing the job can feel totally foreign at first. That’s why Jurex Nurse supports our Professional Legal Nurse Consultants with unlimited mentoring. As you know, a mentor is a skilled professional who volunteers to help a new colleague master the learning curve for a particular position. Mentors take a personal interest in the success of their mentee. Although mentor/mentee relationships begin on a strictly professional basis, many blossom into lifelong friendships. In gratitude for the nurturing they’ve been given, mentees often “pay it forward” by becoming mentors for the next generation. Because we appreciate how great a difference mentoring can make in a new professional’s career, Jurex Nurse is committed to providing responsive, one-to-one mentoring for as long as you need it. When you start working as a PLNC, you won’t be alone. Help is never more than an email or phone call away. Mentoring is FREE, and there’s no limit to this service.
Your Jurex Nurse mentor is invested in your success
You might recall from your days in nursing school, there was a huge difference between the classroom and the clinical setting. But you shook off the jitters, and with occasional tips from a veteran colleague, you applied your classroom knowledge to real-world circumstances. In no time at all, you were the model of professionalism and efficiency.
Now that you’re testing the waters of a new career as a PLNC, questions might arise on such matters as:
- The precise meaning of legal terminology
- How best to respond to an attorney’s request
- Organization of a report on medical records, including subject headings and chronology
- Notations for missing documents
- Whether to state an opinion at any point in the report
- How much to charge for services
- How to prepare for an upcoming interview
- Issues of professional etiquette
When you are stalled on a particular point, there’s no reason to panic. Rather than lose time worrying, just put your concern in a concise email and send it to your Jurex Nurse mentor.

“The Unlimited Mentoring Program was the clincher for me. Knowing I can always tap into that was, and is, important to me.”
Louise, Virginia
Tips from mentors on how to be a top mentee
As one-half of the mentor/mentee relationship, you have an important role to play. Your performance as a mentee will go a long way towards determining your success as a PLNC. So, here are some tips on how to be a top-notch mentee:
- Ask questions — The way our Jurex Nurse mentorship operates, you have to take the initiative. When you’ve got a question, don’t hold back.
- Be clear and organized — Clarity in an email and on the phone is of primary importance. Don’t just dash off a quick note or reach for the phone. Take the time to organize your thoughts.
- Be vocal — If you disagree with or don’t understand what your mentor is telling you, speak up. Processing material leads to greater clarity.
- Be open — You have to be able to accept constructive criticism if you’re going to grow.
- Be respectful of your mentor’s time — Even though our PLNC mentoring is unlimited, you should try to be economical in how you use it. For example, try to bundle questions in a single email, instead of sending separate questions throughout the day.
- Be committed — A mentor doesn’t exist to do your job, but to help you get better at your job. Your determination is what will ultimately lead to your success.
Looking back on the early days of your career, you might recall times when you thought you’d never cut it as an RN. But you persevered and succeeded. At Jurex Nurse, it is our hope and expectation that with the mentoring resources we provide, you will quickly adapt to your job as a PLNC and be just as successful.
Unlimited mentoring for as long as you maintain your certification
Jurex Nurse provides unlimited mentoring to all our PLNCs. When you renew your certification, this benefit renews as well. So, if in your second or third year as a legal nurse consultant, a question comes up that you’ve never encountered before, you still have a trusted resource to help you get the answers you need.
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Star System
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Elizabeth Rudolph, JD, MSN, RN, PLNC

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