PLNC Post-Certification Internship for Legal Nurse Consultants

Additional training for PLNC graduates.

Post-Certification Internship

A robust resource to support your new career

When you complete your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant certification, you will be ready to work as a PLNC. But if that timeframe sounds too tight, Jurex Nurse has you covered. We understand that when starting a new career, some people like to dive right in, while others prefer a more moderate and controlled approach with a bit more guidance at the beginning. If you’re of the latter tendency, consider signing up for our PLNC Star or Premium System, which includes the Jurex Nurse Post-Certification Internship.

Our internship walks you through the step-by-step process of launching your business and working your first case, all in meticulous detail and with personalized feedback from Elizabeth Rudolph, RN, MSN, JD, PLNC. The Jurex Nurse Post-Certification Internship is a robust resource that supports your transition to your new career.

All the benefits of a traditional internship with none of the downside

At Jurex Nurse, we’ve designed our Post-Certification Internship to be a meaningful, illuminating experience that supplements your PLNC training and gives you another impressive credential for your resume. With a traditional internship or apprenticeship, you would work under a seasoned professional for their benefit, as well as your own. Often the hours are long, the pay is subpar, and you might wind up doing work that doesn’t really teach you anything. With our internship, the focus is entirely on YOU! We provide an interactive practicum that enables you to get hands on experience, make crucial decisions, and hone vital skills, all under the guidance of Elizabeth Rudolph, Founder of Jurex Nurse.

Susan, Georgia

“Caseloads can be big or small. It’s the steadiness that matters and being a PLNC helps it flow beautifully.”

Susan, Georgia

Our internship progresses through the following stages:

  • Setting up shop — Since you’ll be starting your business from scratch, we provide detailed instruction on the steps you must take to create a business as a sole proprietorship.
  • Getting out there — This section covers promotion of your business, including whether and how to advertise, how to use social media to your advantage, and what to include in letters of introduction.
  • Your first client — Here we go into detail about how to turn a prospect into a client, from drafting emails to phone etiquette to interview technique to sample contracts and how to close the deal.
  • Meet the plaintiff — Although you can work for defense attorneys, most often you’ll find yourself handling cases for the plaintiff. This section covers how to conduct client intake, elicit the information you need to perform the tasks of a PLNC, and access the necessary records.
  • Merit Review — This is the crux of your job as a PLNC: presenting your analysis of the records to determine whether the case has merit. We take you through an actual case in vivid detail, so you can do exactly what will be required when you have your own clients.
  • Drafting the Complaint — Although the attorney drafts the Complaint, you play a critical role in highlighting facts necessary to prove the case. Your focus is on the constructing a timeline from the medical records and analyzing the standard of care to point out mistakes.
  • Respond to Discovery — After the case is filed, the process of Discovery begins, where attorneys demand information from the opposing side. Your medical knowledge is essential for helping your client meet the demands of the process.
  • Preparing for trial — You help the attorney assemble the evidence and construct the narrative the judge and jury will hear.

Guiding you through these exercises under close supervision, the Post-Certification Internship enables you to take your skills to the next level. Working at your own pace over one year of allowable time, you can fill in any gaps in your understanding from your PLNC certification course.

Included in the Internship program are:

  • Course workbook
  • Sample forms and documents you can use for your business
  • Twice monthly phone sessions with Elizabeth Rudolph
  • Unlimited email contact with Elizabeth Rudolph

If extra guidance to fortify your learning sounds like a good idea, enroll in our PLNC Star or Premium System to add this important benefit.

Ready to get started?

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Standard System

Lowest Price! $1499

Get the premier Legal Nurse Consultant certification training and start earning.

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Star System

Most Popular! $2499

Accelerate your Legal Nurse Consultant success. Jump start your career.

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Premium System

All Inclusive! $4999

Complete Legal Nurse Consultant success package. Your all-inclusive kit.

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Elizabeth Rudolph Founder

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Elizabeth Rudolph, JD, MSN, RN, PLNC

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