Legal Nurse Consultant Course
Step-by-Step video instruction with follow along course textbook.

Targeted training for the professional tasks of a Nurse Expert Witness
The first point we need to make about our Professional Legal Nurse Consultant course is that we’re not sending you to law school. A PLNC, also known as a Nurse Expert Witness, does not have to know all the inner workings of the legal system, the substantive law, and civil procedure. You’ll be working for the attorney not as one. So, relax. There are other programs that load up their legal nurse consultant courses with information you don’t need and will never use, but that’s not us. Jurex Nurse provides targeted training for the tasks you’ll be called on to perform. Those tasks are not just to benefit your client attorney, but yourself, as well, since you will soon be the CEO of your new business: You, RN, PLNC.
Legal Nurse Consultant online course
At Jurex Nurse, all of our training takes place online via video lectures, supported by our course textbook and mentoring program. This allows you to learn at your own pace, according to your own schedule. You can hunker down and complete the entire Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Certification course in a weekend or spread out your training for as long as you need.
Elizabeth Rudolph, JD, MSN, RN, PLNC, the founder of Jurex Nurse, conducts the lectures which are illustrated with PowerPoint slides. You can pause at any time to take notes and review the presentations at your leisure.

“I did my homework before I signed up for the PLNC course. This is the best value, most thorough, very affordable, and resource-rich legal nurse consultant program.”
Kevin, North Carolina
Professional Legal Nurse Consultant training covers all the bases
Elizabeth speaks from experience, having worked as a legal nurse consultant and an attorney in cases like the ones you’ll soon be reviewing. The information she shares is pertinent not just to the case work, but is also specifically directed towards building a practice as a PLNC. As such, you’re starting a small business — your own consulting firm — and you need to know how to reach the clients who are anxious to engage your services. Since Jurex Nurse is fully committed to your success, we thoroughly cover the business aspects of your new profession.
Topics we cover in our course include:
- Services a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant can provide
- Cost-effective tools to market your PLNC practice
- Essential elements of a consulting contract
- Basic elements of a medical malpractice lawsuit
- Legal terminology
- Common standard of care issues in malpractice lawsuits
- Research techniques to use when reviewing medical legal cases
- Testimony techniques and strategies.*
*Testifying in court is not a requirement, and most PLNCs do not go to court. However, testifying as an expert witness allows you to earn even more in your capacity as a PLNC, so we would be remiss if we didn’t include training in this area.
Providing motivation throughout your training
We realize that if you are considering PLNC certification, you are already a motivated and goal-oriented individual. However, we also know that life tends to get in the way. Your job and your relationships can crowd out other activities and impede progress towards your loftier goals. Fortunately, we have designed our online training with you in mind.
If pushing through from start to finish is your style, you’re only about 48 hours away from earning your certification. But if you find the commitment a bit daunting, you’re going to feel fully supported throughout our legal nurse consultant online program. We draw inspiration from Mark Twain, who wrote, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started…breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks then starting on the first one.”
Thus, our course is divided into digestible chunks you can handle one at a time. Each unit is chock full of vital information and insights. You’ll be impressed with how much you’re learning in such little time. You’ll begin to gather momentum and be finished before you know it.
But, as Plato said, “the beginning is the most important part of any work.” Take your first step today by clicking one of the buttons below.
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Standard System
Lowest Price! $1499
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Star System
Most Popular! $2499
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Premium System
All Inclusive! $4999
Complete Legal Nurse Consultant success package. Your all-inclusive kit.
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Elizabeth Rudolph, JD, MSN, RN, PLNC

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