I am a nurse and an attorney. I provide lots of presentations on legal issues in nursing. Throughout the years, I have provided well over a thousand presentations to nurses, nursing faculty, nursing students, nurse managers, nurse administrators and all kinds of health care providers on legal issues they face. I am frequently asked to impart all kinds of wisdom. Here are a few lessons I have learned:
1. Expand your nursing skills. You cannot be content to graduate from nursing school. You must continually increase your skill set. Remember this expression: “Always stay marketable”.
2. Stay relevant. This means stay current in your field. Whether you’re a clinician or academician, you need to stay on the cutting-edge.
3. Education is your key to success. The more education you have, the more relevant you become and the more employable you are.
Remember these lessons and they will serve you in good stead. These are my lessons learned.