We all listen to our inner voice sometimes. It may help us or hurt us. These voices are our internal dialogue with ourselves and often is at the root of our own self-destructive behavior.
You KNOW that Education is your KEY to Success. But, how do you snuff out that inner voice that says?
Types of Inner Voice Talk
You might be using negative inner voice talk or positive inner voice talk. Here are some examples:
- I’m not motivated
- I don’t have the money
- I’m overwhelmed with what I’ve got going on now
Let’s address this in an easy 3 step process. We’ve got to get control of this monster or it’ll destroy us. It’s NOT that we want to silence our inner voice. We want to get CONTROL of it and parlay it into something that’s productive.
Three Easy Steps to Get Control of Your Inner Voice
We don’t want out thoughts running rampant largely because we would feel out of control. So how to we understand ourselves and weave in what we need for our careers? Follow these three easy steps.
Step 1: Listen to your inner voice. Probe it. Ask yourself questions, much as you would ask a friend or someone you knew a question in order to help them. You have to trust yourself and your instincts.
Step 2: Consider your options. Often, it’s that we know the problem, but not how to fix it. Or, we may know how to fix it, but we don’t want to do the work. This is where you get out pen and paper or use the “Notes” section on your phone and literally write out your options. Number them, 1, 2, 3. Just get the thoughts out. We’ll prioritize them later. Once you get the options out, it’s time to let them sink in. A good friend of mine calls this letting it ”MARINATE”. For example, she and I were purse shopping and I narrowed down my selection to 2 purses and I couldn’t decide which one to buy. Nancy said to me “let it marinate” and, sure enough the next day, I went back to the store and purchased the one I loved better. Lots of choices in life are like purse shopping, but you have to know your options first.
Step 3: Apply the “Selection” process. Let’s say, you want to earn more money. You want a side hustle but you don’t want to go back to school for another degree.
Your Inner Voice and Your Education: In Tandem
Let’s apply what we just talked about in the 3 simple steps to earning your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant certification:
Step 1: Listen to your inner voice and it’s telling you that you need, or want, more money.
Step 2: Consider your options. What’s the fastest way to use your existing nursing skills to earn more? It’s to get your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Certification! Go to JurexNurse.com and consider the three PLNC Certification System options.
Step 3: Now, register for the course and get your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant certification in less than 2 days.
Practice makes perfect. Also, be sure you’re not too hard on yourself. Take 10 seconds and listen to your inner voice. Throw in a deep breath, and you’ll feel much better equipped to handle whatever life brings to you.
P.S. Let’s hear from you. Comment below about how you deal with your inner voice.