Professionally you need, and want, to develop your nursing skills. That’s how you get ahead in life. Start with where you are. You’re a nurse. And you have valuable nursing skills. Those nursing skills, combined with legal and marketing skills, can be easily used in medical-legal cases and lawsuits.
You just need to get certified as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) first. The reason you get PLNC-certified is for your credibility. Attorneys want credible nurses to review medical records. That’s you.
You take the two-day PLNC certification course either by live course or by any of the home study formats (Video Course, Audio Course or E-Course). You’ll get the FREE unlimited mentoring program with it, along with your FREE profile listing on the Jurex Expert Directory AND 15 CEs.
Whew! You just registered at and completed the PLNC Certification Course and you now have acquired a lot more skills. It was easy, straight-forward and, best of all, you’re now able to earn $150/hour.