Ask yourself this question: “What do I want to be doing in five years?”. Do you envision yourself in your same job, or maybe you’re still working as a nurse but in a managerial position? Maybe you’re working less and earning less, maybe more, but still not as much as you’d like. Five years in your nursing career goes quickly. Make it count. But how?
The best way to earn more AND enjoy your life at the same time is to work at a job you love. Start with your nursing degree. Make it work for you.
#1. Get More Education. That’s the quickest way up the ladder of success. You’re already a nurse, get your Certification as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC). Don’t Wait!! Do it Now. REGISTER at
#2: Set a Five Year Goal. Then, create a simple Plan to attain it. No sense even thinking about a goal if you don’t have even a simple plan to go with it. Remember in nursing school creating patient goals (or even nursing diagnoses) and then creating the steps to help patients attain them? Same applies to us.
#3: Keep Thinking About Your Five Year Goals. You must keep your goals top of mind, even when you want to think about other things. It has been said “out of sight, out of mind”, so be sure you manage your thinking.
So, if you’d like to get your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant certification, now is the time!