Do you know your personality traits? Did you know these four personality traits often define a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC)? Inquisitive, compassionate, motivated, and adaptable.
Let’s break these down and apply them to legal nurse consultant practice.
Inquisitive. If you’re curious or just want to find out the meaning of something, you have a skill to be a PLNC. Nurses who become PLNCs are often considered analytical. They want to get “to the bottom” of something. They’re willing to look something up on their mobile phones or computer. They find it interesting to know the answer to their questions.
Compassionate. In our world, it is sure nice to have understanding for others. Nurses who are compassionate and are PLNCs, are understanding, sympathetic, and may be described as “warm”. This skill goes a long way in understanding the facts contained in a medical record and realizing there are two sides of almost every story.
Motivated. The PLNC who is energized by following the patient’s story, is one who is guided by the facts wherever they may lead. Sometimes, we wish the result were different, but the medical records speak for themselves, and we must follow them to the end. As a legal nurse consultant, it’s important to channel your motivation to arrive at the reasonably prudent nurse conclusion. When you’re motivated, you seek answers. This is exactly what a successful legal nurse consultant must do.
Adaptable. Being flexible and resilient will go a long way for the PLNC who reviews medical records for attorneys. Sometimes the deadlines change, the assignment gets expanded, or additional medical records are provided. While these could all mean more billable hours and more money to you, it also means being willing to make changes. Attorneys are often busy and delegate responsibilities to their legal nurse consultants. This is an opportunity for you to shine, showing you can meet the challenge head-on.
Whether you have one, or all four of these personality traits, just know that an interesting and interested nurse is one best suited to be a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant. Is that you?
Want to know your personality trait? Take the free Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) here.
P.S. Find out more about being a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) here.