If you’re working as a nurse or a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant during this pandemic your hands are probably dry from using hand sanitizer, you’re fatigued, and you’re wondering when things will get back to “normal”.

Here are five ways to manage yourself during this coronavirus pandemic.

  1. Lighten up and don’t be so hard on yourself. This means acknowledging when you’re feeling anxious and developing a plan for yourself. The sooner you know your triggers, the more quickly you can confront the anxiety head on. And, get relief sooner.
  2. Social distancing means some level of being socially isolated. Admit that this pandemic has, and will continue to, cause you to be alone with yourself more. Get comfortable with that. As a nurse and a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC), you’ve come to rely on yourself. That’s a good thing. You have to keep your promises to yourself, so you know you always have your own back.
  3. Exercise daily. You need a new routine that’s manageable. Get your 10,000 steps in per day.
  4. Eat healthfully. You know when your own eating is out of control or you’re eating unhealthy foods. Eat less and eat healthfully. You’ll likely lose weight, or maintain a healthy weight.
  5. Get sleep. You need sleep. Period.

It’s worth repeating: ease up on yourself, get some level of comfort in being alone, exercise daily, eat healthfully, and get sleep. EVERY nurse is worth it!

P.S. Be sure you find out to INCREASE YOUR INCOME here!
