You may have said to yourself, “I was a student nurse once”, but really we are all “students”. Students of nursing knowledge, students of learning, students of life. Whether you are currently in school or thinking about furthering your education, we are all student nurses.
You want to further your nursing education without taking a long, protracted course. You want to use your current nursing skills and combine them with the legal skills, which have always intrigued you. How? By simply getting your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) certification in only two days. You do not have to sit in a class for days, nor sit at your computer for hours. All that is streamlined for you in a short, two day PLNC certification course.
Two things you need to NOW:
1. Register for the Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) certification course here.
2. Decide whether you want to get your PLNC certification by Live Course, Video Course, Audio Course or e-Course.
Here’s a list of the 2-Day PLNC Live Courses:
St. Louis, MO: March 29 & 30
Kansas City, MO: Apr 5 & 6
Chattanooga, TN: Apr 26 & 27
Nashville, TN: May 31 & Jun 1
We are all students, nurses or student nurses. Decide today to join the student nurse team.