You need to keep your legal knowledge current. Period.
As a nurse or Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC), nothing is more important than staying up-to-date or you’ll find yourself out-of-date. That could mean no job, no income, and, frankly, no happiness.
Add these Ten Legal Words to your vocabulary and keep yourself ahead of the legal curve:
- Plaintiff: The person or entity suing in a civil lawsuit.
- Defendant: The person or entity getting sued.
- Service of Process: The beginning of a lawsuit when each defendant receives notice of the lawsuit.
- Discovery: Period of time after the lawsuit is filed but before trial when both sides can find out about the other’s case.
- Deposition: Sworn live, or virtual, statement of parties or witnesses.
- Allegations: Assertions in the lawsuit document.
- Affidavit: Sworn written statement.
- Motion for Summary Judgment: Formal request to a judge to decide a case without need for trial.
- Mediation: Attempt to resolve dispute through use of a third party.
There you have it. Get comfortable with these legal terms and weave them into your everyday nursing vocabulary.
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