You want to do something more with your nursing skills, but you’re not sure what. You want to do something more with your life, but you’re not entirely sure what would make you happy (and earn you money). Who do you listen to?
Here’s the best advice I ever received: Do something. Take one step in the direction you want to go even if you’re unsure. Even if you’re not 100% positive. Just go. Go forward in the direction you BELIEVE will take you forward.
I owe this way of thinking to my grandmother of blessed memory. Gaga. She told me, after my mother passed away when I was quite young, “Throw your heart over the bar, and your body will follow”. Gaga was a sage. Gaga had street sense. Gaga had a beautiful heart. Gaga had what it took to survive in a post-Depression era world and beyond.
I loved Gaga.
Listen up nurses and Professional Legal Nurse Consultants: “Do something”.
Stop asking yourself how you’re going to accomplish the task. DO the task.
The “why” is more important than the “how”. You can ask others “how” to accomplish your dreams, your goals, your end-game. But, you have to know “why” you want it to begin with.There are so many temptations out there. Distractions. People, or things, that will take you off course. Stay the course.
It’ll become more clear. Don’t look back. Look forward in the direction you want to go.
Let’s look at this example. You’re a Registered Nurse. You graduated nursing school which was no small feat. Then, you took and passed the National Boards and you’re licensed. That’s another huge accomplishment. But, you want to do something more. Get your PROFESSIONAL LEGAL NURSE CONSULTANT (PLNC) CERTIFICATION!!
I did. I’m so happy I went further in my career AND used my nursing skills to achieve it. You can, too!
YOU can fast track your nursing career. You can combine nursing with the law.
You’re already reading medical records. Earn money doing it as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant.
No matter what you want to accomplish, you need to heed Gaga’s advice. Take the step. Stop holding your own self back. There’re are plenty of people out there who’ll hold you back. People who don’t want change, and certainly don’t want you to change.
Keeping the status quo must seem easier, but it’s not. You’re yearning for more. You deserve more.
If you stay doing what you’re doing, you definitely will NOT attain your dreams. Step out a tiny bit and reap the rewards.
I did. You can. Take one tiny step.
Stop telling yourself “I can’t” and tell yourself “I can”. You can do one thing right now to advance your career.
Others have done it. You can, too.
What’s the best advice I ever received? Thanks to Gaga, I’m doing right now. I’m “doing something” that I want and loving it.
Thank you, Gaga, for your wisdom, for your love, and being our special grandmother.
P.S. Let us know what you think.