Do you want three easy steps to market your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) business? Knock out these three steps, in order, to attain the success you always wanted. Just know that nurses no longer have work only in nursing. As a nurse and PLNC, you can work remotely for a law firm office or for a business.
Three Marketing Steps for EVERY Professional Legal Nurse Consultant:
- Select a name for your PLNC business. Mark it easy to read and spell. If your last name doesn’t meet these qualifications, then don’t use your last name. For example, you might like to call your PLNC practice “Seaside Professional Legal Nurse Consultants” or “Magnolia PLNC Company”. Then, start by sending an email to local attorneys.
- Use social media to your advantage. Whether you use Facebook, Instagram, and/or LinkedIn, use something to get your PLNC business out there front and center. And, be sure you post with regularity. You don’t have to use all of these social media platforms, just be consistent.
- Get a website. It can be simple and clean. Consider WordPress or Wix. These are easy enough to create yourself or hire someone to do it for you through a platform like Fiverr, for example.
What are you waiting for? Follow these three steps and go market yourself. Then, check your results.
P.S. Be SURE you get your FREE Guide on how to Use Your Nursing Skills in Legal Cases to HIKE YOUR INCOME here!!