There is a lot to remember when you are testifying as nurse expert witness. Not only do you need to focus on the facts, your opinions and the basis for those opinions but you want to keep your composure. Follow these tips to make your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant testimony smooth and straight-forward, whether you are at a deposition, trial or arbitration hearing.
1. Know why you are testifying. Are you working for the plaintiff or the defense? Next, do you know the allegations in the complaint and the defenses in the answer? Are you centered on the most serious problems but haven’t lost sight of the more minor ones? Be sure you address these head on.
2. Answer only the question asked. Testifying as a PLNC is not the time to volunteer information. Listen to the question and provide your answer. Give your explanation, where you deem it appropriate. If you opt to give a non-responsive answer, be prepared for the possible consequences. That being said, there may be times when you provide answers, while not precisely on point, that do not meet with opposition or objection.
3. Objections indicate problems with the question. Be on guard for objections to questions posed to you as the nurse expert witness. Listen to them. Objections can guide your answers as you testify as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant at depositions, trial or arbitration hearings.
The three tips for Professional Legal Nurse Consultants can guide your testifying experience. How you handle deposition questions, trial interrogations and arbitration questioning might dictate your overall experience and practice.