As a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) you’re a KEY part of the legal team! Your role is in LITIGATION SUPPORT, which is an essential part of the case. No matter what side of the case you’re on, your PLNC services are needed!
It’s good to know expert witnesses are required in medical malpractice lawsuits. This means there’ll always be a need for your PLNC services.
Your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Services up close
You can provide lots of services for attorneys. Below are the top ten services you’ll get to use as a PLNC:
- Assist with communication. You’re on board to simplify and explain the nursing and medical care to the legal team.
- Educate. The individuals who need to be educated are the attorney, judge, jury, and members of the legal team. In PLNC practice this could mean tutoring the attorney about the case.
- Research. It’s so much easier than in the past. No need to go to the library when you can do an internet search. Don’t forget to ask to review the policy and procedure manuals.
- Review, Analyze, and Summarize. Read the medical records, analyze what’s relevant, and then summarize them. It’s that simple.
- Assess Damages. Look for the cause of the damages. Remember there could be other contributing factors.
- Liaison with Other Experts. Who better than you to locate other experts? You’re the liaison among all the expert witnesses.
- Interview Witnesses. Sometimes you’ll need to interview witnesses and then explain what you’ve gleaned to your attorney.
- Draft Documents. “Draft” is just a glorified word for “writing” or “compiling” documents. You can use forms.
- Assist with Case Strategies. One of your skills is the ability to come up with questions that need to be answered. Plus, you can incorporate new, or spot missing, information.
- Provide Support. From preparing witnesses to assisting with trial prep, your PLNC will be put to good use.
There you have it. The top ten PLNC services you can provide, and get paid for, to attorneys.
P.S. Be sure you get our FREE Guide to hike your income as a PLNC!