There are a lot of ways floating around out there on how to get clients. But, as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC), you want attorney-clients. You want to narrow your focus, hunker down, get attorneys to notice you, and hire you to review their medical records. So, let’s focus on the top three ways to accomplish this:
1. Identify your ideal attorney-client. There are lots of attorneys out there. As a matter-of-fact, the American Bar Association’s National Lawyer Population Survey cites the number of active attorneys in the United States as of 2017 as over 1.3 million. That is a lot of lawyers. And, that means a big pool of potential attorney-clients for your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant business. You want to focus on the attorneys most likely to need your PLNC services and that would be litigators. Specifically, you want to reach trial attorneys, especially those who practice medical malpractice, personal injury, disability law, and the like.
2. Create a list of attorney-clients and contact them. NOW. Your list does not need to be fancy, or even complete. You just need to start somewhere. Need ideas on where to start? How about with an internet search of attorneys in your county, city, or area of the country? You will be amazed how many attorneys will pop up on your internet engine search. Then, the task will be to narrow the number and reach out to them.
3. Follow up. Yes, the number one reason for not getting enough clients is poor follow through. Say, you email the attorney and they email back with some interest. Or, you call and speak with the attorney. Now, you need to follow up. Email back with a short, professional, and to-the-point response asking when you can obtain the medical records for review. Let them know you are there to help them and are available to do it now, when they need you most.
There is no time like the present. You want clients? Follow this roadmap each to time to PLNC success.