We reflect today to think of the men and women who have given of themselves this Memorial Day. As it has been said “all gave some, some gave all”. We, as Professional Legal Nurse Consultants (PLNC) can apply this lesson in our practice. When you truly give of yourself, give a project your “all”, you can reap the benefits.
Apply these two aspects of giving:
1. The more you give, the more you receive: The act of giving provides a feeling of not only satisfaction, but of contentment. In your PLNC practice, when you know you did a thorough job of reviewing the medical records, you know you gave your client the best assistance you could provide. This is a warm, fuzzy feeling.
2. Make another life happy: Not matter what your opinion may be of the facts after reviewing the medical record, you will have enhanced the life of the other individual. Whether it is is to persevere or defend more rigorously, your opinion matters.
You matter. Your review of the medical records matters. Your opinion matters. As a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, you affect the lives of others. Remember that as you reflect on the meaning of life.