Nursing is like running. You must conquer vast amounts of territories in little time. So, here’s what nurses, and especially Professional Legal Nurse Consultants (PLNC), can learn from a runner.
1. Determine your goal. Is it to master all kinds of cases? Is it to provide the most accurate documentation? Would you like to model superior nursing knowledge and apply it to your patients? You must first decide your goal, or it will not much matter where you go.
2. Get the appropriate gear. A nurse needs good shoes. A runner needs good shoes. A Professional Legal Nurse Consultant needs a good foundation in legal issues in nursing. You get the idea. Do not skimp.
3. Go and track your progress. PLNCs should keep a list of all cases ever reviewed, consulted in or testified about. Be sure you know the status of each case. A nurse should know the status of the patient.
It gets easier with time, but it starts with your first step. You can do it. Help a friend and pass this knowledge on.