Earning money as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) usually means working remotely. Whether or not we’re in a coronavirus pandemic. You review medical records for attorneys and give your nursing opinion. You work from the comfort of your own home, work your own hours of the day, and enjoy the benefits of being your own boss!
When working outside a traditional office environment, you’re able to earn more without all the distractions. It’s a win-win for both you and the lawyer. You’re a virtual team.
Here are three considerations for successful legal nurse consultant remote work:
- Increase your digital awareness. This means find out from the attorney ahead of time whether the attorney wants your work product produced in Word, Excel, PDF, or in some other format. Ask whether the attorney wants you to send it via email, if text message is an acceptable way to communicate, and the deadline. You want to be prepared so you’ll need to ask in advance.
- Use tech tools for success. There are multiple videoconference platforms, and each has a short learning curve. Ask which one the attorney prefers: Zoom, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, for example. Find out if the lawyer wants you to share your work via Slack, Trello, or any other of a number of remote working tool team sharing website and applications.
- Stay cognizant of work-life integration. When you’re at home reviewing medical records, maintain that distance so you can get your work done. Learn to separate in your mind when you’re home and working versus home and not working. It’s all in the balance.
Don’t forget to maintain privacy and security as you’re working on client sensitive information and medical records. But, you already know that.
Studies have shown that those who work from home have increased satisfaction. Let that be you.
P.S. Comment below and let us know your thoughts about working from home.