This is a two-part series entitled “Your Life as a Nurse Post Pandemic”.
Part 1 addresses life post pandemic after you’ve been working way too many hours — whether in a Covid-19 unit or another area of nursing. Part 2 addresses your life post pandemic after having your hours reduced, furloughed, or laid off and is entitled: “Your Life as Nurse Post Pandemic: Working Reduced Hours, Furloughed, or Laid Off”.
Part 1: You’re an “Essential Worker” which is shorthand for working more hours than you ever thought imaginable. Whether you’re working in a Covid-19 unit or in another area of nursing, you’re probably working way too many hours. You’re exhausted. You’re not feeling appreciated. And, rightfully so.
After working so hard taking care of sick patients, looking after your family, maybe taking care of some close friends, maybe some not-so-close-friends, you’re tired.
Now the Question is: How do you prepare for your life post Covid-19?
First, you need to know that coming out of this pandemic there will be an avalanche of medical and nursing malpractice lawsuits. Let’s prepare right now for your life post coronavirus pandemic.
There have been lots of lives lost and affected by Covid-19. This means a great amount of potential damages. Lots of lawsuits will be filed with the courts throughout the United States.
There will be TONS of medical records to be reviewed. But first, you must be qualified and credentialed to be able to assist attorneys in their medical and nursing malpractice lawsuits. How? Get yourself certified as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC). Attorneys want to know you completed a credible Legal Nurse certification course. Then, you’ll be marketable and be able to enjoy the lifestyle you’ve always wanted.
Lawsuits will come in all shapes and sizes. For example, there will be cases based on nursing negligence in Covid-19 units regarding failing to diagnose, failing to treat, failing to use that degree of care and skill expected of reasonably prudent nurses in the same, or similar, circumstances. There will be cases based on lack of, inappropriate, or improper Personal Protective Equipment. There will be claims by nurses and health care providers in Worker’s Compensation cases. All of these have medical records that must be reviewed. Who better to review them than you, the Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC)!
Next, put your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Certification on your resume. Showcase your talents by listing all your nursing experience. You don’t have to specialize unless you want to. Most nursing malpractice lawsuits involve basic understanding of nursing practice. That’s the point you need to get across in your resume. Know that your resume is the place to boast and shine. If you don’t do it, someone else will in their resume.
Ask Yourself: Am I Going To Be Able to Work Like I Currently Am Forever? If your answer is no, then get moving and register to become a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) now!
Become certified as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) before the deluge of lawsuits so you can be ready at