You went to nursing school. You studied. You worked hard. You put in the time. You acquired great nursing skills. Now, you want to expand your nursing skill set. Smart thinking!
How can you broaden your nursing abilities? The quickest way to success is through education. Get yourself certified in two days as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC). There are PLNCs all over the country, so you would be with great nurses. You just need to open the window to your opportunities in the legal field.
Ever wonder why people watch TV shows like Law & Order? CSI? Boston Legal? Because the law is fascinating. Be a part of the team that uses both your skills as a nurse and as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant. The most efficient and best way to accomplish your goal of combining your nursing degree with the law is by being a PLNC. Your nursing skills are invaluable to attorneys.
First thing first: Register for the Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Certification Course. There are only four live locations this Fall. Or, take the webinar. Now is your time.